  • 學位論文


Data Mining Implement on a Recommendation Mechanism for the Physical and Virtual Channel of Outdoor Appliance

指導教授 : 廖述賢


現代人因忙碌的生活過於緊繃,以至於紛紛開始注重養身及崇尚健康,認同悠活及樂活的人也越來越多,間接活絡了產業的發展,使戶外用品業者擁有無限商機。但也因此導致競爭過於激烈,品牌及產品的同質性過高,顧客在選購上就得多需花一點心力,而企業主也須制定適當的行銷策略來滿足不同之顧客群。因此企業該如何在實體通路店內運用貨架和櫃的佈置引導顧客購物動線,並且又精準的推薦適當的品牌和產品組合給目標顧客群,以及如何運用合適的促銷活動來吸引不同通路之顧客群,即成了重要課題。 本研究採用問卷調查法,透過資料探勘的方式以分類樹、集群分析與關聯法則,藉由POS系統結合市場調查資料,利用未分群之顧客輪廓,進行商品之間的互補性分析,並且進而設計出實體通路假設性的商店設計。接著再利用集群分析後的顧客輪廓進行深入探討,以了解顧客於不同通路時會購買的品牌和產品以及偏好的促銷活動;根據推薦機制導出何種品牌及產品組合適合何種促銷手法並且可在哪個通路推廣,以提供企業在行銷策略上能做為參考依據。 而研究發現不同集群之顧客,對於不同的品牌及產品組合有著不同的偏好度,再者對於喜愛的促銷活動及通路也有所不同。因此企業可針對不同集群之顧客進行不同的行銷策略,以提升顧客滿意度和企業營運績效此雙贏局面。


Nowadays, people become much busier and start to consider that health is the most important thing in life, so it indirectly increases the scale market of outdoor appliance. However, customers possibly spend more time to select the homogeneous products; so many enterprises start to revise the channel strategy. In regard to this, how to set a nice store Layout in physical channel, improve the right image for brand, and increase competitive advantage are the core issues that worth discussing. This study uses questionnaire survey, and through the ways of data mining: CART, cluster analysis and association rule, to discover how to use the complementarity of the merchandise to design the physical channel, and find out that what product/brand would be the customers buy in different channels and the preference of promotion. According to the above method can tell that which brand and product combination are suit to which promotion and in which channel. Company can use it as the reference of marketing strategy. In the conclusion, the different groups of customers have the different preferences in varied brands and product combination. Company can use different marketing strategies to different groups, it can increase the satisfaction of customers and the business performance.


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