  • 學位論文

身體佈署與主體化:以Éminence男性香水平面廣告(1975) 為例

Dispositif of Body and Subjectivation -Example of Éminence eau de toilette Print Advertisement (1975)

指導教授 : 蔡淑玲


Éminence男性香水平面廣告於1975年登載於《新觀察雜誌》(Le Nouvel Observateur)中,此香水平面廣告擷取比利時超現實主義畫家馬格利特(Réné Magritte, 1898-1967)畫作“征服者” ( Le Conquérant, 1926) 的主要元素。藉由Éminence男性香水平面廣告及“征服者”畫作兩影像,本論文將討論馬格利特畫作、馬格利特風格對平面廣告的影響以及消費主體三方之間的關係。本論文由下述三章節組成。第一章,我們將先探討70年代個人主義社會中,身體想像(imaginaire du corps)是如何被建構出來。第二章廣告文本分析的部分,將以廣告及反廣告的對立角度切入,分析Éminence男性香水平面廣告中的圖文關係。第三章我們將試著回答本論文的問題意識:在消費主體受廣告策略制約的社會,個人自由實踐的可能性如何達成?米歇.傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) 在三冊《性史》(Histoire de la Sexualité)的寫作過程,完成了對主體的探討。因此我們將試著藉《性史》中對主體的思考,來回答本論文的核心問題。


Éminence eau de toilette was advertised in a magazine called “Le Nouvel Observateur” in 1975. This advertising image incorporated many elements from the painting, The Conqueror (1926), of the Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte (1898-1967). In this thesis, I will attempt to clarify the relationship between Magritte’s paintings, the impact of Magritte style to print ad and the consumer subjectivity by comparing the two images. This thesis is composed of three majors parts. In the first component, I will try to analyze how the imaginary body was built in the individualistic society in 1970. The second part focuses on the analysis of advertising image. The analysis will be further divided into two aspects, one is from advertising perspective, and the other is from anti-advertising perspective. In conclusion, in this thesis, the main issue is whether in a society where the consumers are subjected to the various restrictions of advertising strategies, thus, how can consumers be liberated? In the final component, I will try to answer this question by studying and analyzing the three books written by Michel Foucault (1926-1984) called the “History of Sexuality”.


BAUDRILLARD, Jean, Le Système des Objets, Paris : Gallimard, (1968, 2007).
DREYFUS, Hubert et RABINOW, Paul, Michel Foucault: Un parcours philosophique, Paris : Gallimard, 1992.
I. Œuvres consultées
Écrits de Michel Foucault
FOUCAULT, Michel, Ceci n’est pas une pipe, Paris : Fata Morgana, (1973, 2005).
