  • 學位論文


A Study of Accessibility and Affordability of Students upon the Higher Education Opportunity–After Higher Education Expanding in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 蓋浙生


教育公平為體現社會正義的重要途徑,而近年國內外皆以學生可接近性與可負擔性作為教育公平的重要檢核指標。是以,本研究欲探討台灣高等教育擴充後,淨在學率提升並邁入普及化後,學生的家庭背景是否會影響學生進入高等教育機構的機會,其可接近性為何;另在政府財政困頓,高等教育經費緊縮的背景下,學雜費逐年高漲,是否影響公私立學校的學生之就學成本的經濟負擔來源,其可負擔性又為何。 本研究工具為自編之「台灣高等教育擴充後,學生接受高等教育機會的可接近性與可負擔性之研究問卷」,經專家效度後,立意選取十四所高等教育機構進行實徵調查,並將研究對象分為一般大學與技職校院學生。正式調查問卷發出11,544份,回收10,044份,其回收率為87%,剔除無效問卷後,有效樣本共9,145份,再以描述統計敘述集中趨勢,卡方檢定考驗其差異性,並進一步觀察各變項與就讀公私立學校間的關聯程度。本研究結果發現,歸納如下: 一、一般大學與技職校院的可接近性程度仍未臻理想,其中家庭社經地位、家庭居住地、家庭結構、入學管道、性別皆對學生接受高等教育的可接近性產生影響。 二、就讀公私立大學以及技職校院的學生與其就學成本之可負擔性的關聯程度中等,學生就學成本來源多以家人提供為主。 三、台灣高等教育擴充後,學生接受高等教育的可接近性與可負擔性尚稱符合社會的公平與正義,但仍有待進步之空間。 綜合上述結論,本研究建議為:一、重視家庭社經地位對學生就學的影響;二、加強宣導助學措施並簡化其流程;三、拉近公、私立學校的學雜費用並增加私立學校學生的獎補助措施,以提升私立大學與技職校院學生的可負擔性;四、完善就學貸款制度;五、產學合作,增加學生實務經驗與工讀機會。


Educational equality is the important pathway to show social justice. Many researches in domestic and foreign show that accessibility and affordability are the significant indicators to inspect equality of education in these years. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the accessibility and affordability of higher education after its expansion, as well as the increase of the net schooling ratio and the amount of students continuing in the higher education in Taiwan. The accessibility study is intended to find out that whether a student’s family background influences his/her opportunity to enter a higher education institution. Furthermore, the affordability study addresses whether the sky-rocketing tuitions resulting from the government’s financial difficulty and tightening higher education expenditures will affect the financial ability of public and private students. This study utilized the method of questionnaire survey editing by myself “ The questionnaire of a study of accessibility and affordability of students upon the higher education opportunity - after higher education expanding in Taiwan.” after being corrected by experts and selecting fourteen higher education institutions for surveying. The survey sampled 11,544 and 9,145 effective questionnaires with a return rate 87%. The descriptive statistics tools used in the survey data are Frequencies tables and Chi-square test. Based on the results of this survey, the following conclusions were reached: 1.The student’s accessibility is not in conformity with the ideal; among the factors, such as student’s gender, parents’ socioeconomic status, household’s locality and structure, as well as diverse admission routes affect a student’s opportunity to enter higher education. 2.The affordability among the students who attend public/private or occupational school and education costs are medium correlation. Most of the students’ education costs (including tuitions and living expenses) are provided by the family. 3.After Higher Education expanding in Taiwan, students’ accessibility and affordability can be made better. Based on the aforementioned results, suggestions for Taiwan government, higher education institutions and future studies have been proposed, as follows: 1.Attach much weight to effect of parental socioeconomic status for access opportunity. 2.Emphasize publicize the government's aid policies and simplify the process of applying for an allowance. 3.Balanced the tuition fees between public and private higher education institutions and increase scholarship in private school. 4.Improve the student loan system. 5.Promote industry-university Cooperation, increase students’ experience and get the part-time job easier.




