  • 學位論文


A Study on Environment-Related Variables, Social Norm and Well-Being Effect on Purchase Intention of Green Product

指導教授 : 婁國仁


近年來,全球環境變遷、環境汙染日益嚴重,逐漸影響人類的生活與安全。然而,世界各國政府開始推動有關環保政策與法令,企業從事生產綠色產品推行綠色消費,消費者也開始重視環保議題進而影響其消費行為,因此綠色商品儼然成為新的消費趨勢。 本研究以台灣地區18歲以上之一般消費者為研究對象,探討消費者之環境相關變數、社會規範、幸福感、購買意圖與購買行為之關係,並加入市場中常見的環保標章、環保商品判斷消費者之購買決策。本研究問卷以紙本與網路輔助方式進行發放,為期4個月,共發放727份問卷,回收之有效樣本為649份,有效回收率為89.27%。本研究運用SPSS與AMOS統計軟體進行資料分析,在信度分析方面,Cronbach’s α 值皆大於0.7,顯示使用之量表皆具備良好信度,並以驗證性因素分析、集群分析及對應分析對變數之因果進行探究。 研究結果發現,消費者對綠色商品購買意圖與其購買行為呈現顯著相關,這表示不論是具有環保標章認證之商品或標榜對環境友善之商品,大部分的消費者皆會去購買此類產品。在知識方面,由於教育的普及不論男性或女性所具備之環保知識並無差異,但消費者之環境知識對環境態度卻不具顯著關係;而影響環境態度最重要的因素卻是環境關注。另外,針對目前市場中的環保標章,消費者對於回收標誌與台灣綠色環保標章最為熟悉。雖然大部分的消費者具備環保知識但其對環境態度卻不明確,然而,政府與企業應該極力推廣環境相關的知識與概念,提升民眾對環境保護的認知,進而改變其對環境的態度、從事有利於環境的行為活動。


In recent years, global climate change and environmental pollution are worsening gradually. This condition has affected human life and safety. However, governments around the world begin to promote policies and laws on environmental protection, and enterprises engage in the production of green products and implement green consumption. Consumers are starting to care about environmental issues and thus affect their consuming behavior. Therefore, green products seem to have become the new consuming trends. In this thesis, the main research object over 18 years consumers in Taiwan, explores the relationship between consumers' environment-related variables, social norms, well-being, purchase intention and buying behavior and joins eco-labeling markets, environmental goods to determine consumer buying decisions. The research undertakes the methods of questionnaires in paper supplemented by the network. The size of sampling is 727 samples with 649 valid samples, the valid response rate is 87.27% . Using SPSS and AMOS statistical software for data analysis, the Cronbach’s α values are all above 0.7, it shows the scale has great validity and reliability. In order to explore the effect of dimensions uses confirmatory factor analysis, cluster analysis and correspondence analysis. The result shows that consumers’ purchase intention will directly effect on purchase behavior in green products. That means no matter the eco- labeling certification of goods or environmentally friendly products advertised, most of the consumers are going to buy these products. Due to the widespread education, whether male or female have the same scale on environmental knowledge. The consumers' environmental knowledge does not effect on environmental attitudes. However, the most important factor which affects the environmental attitudes is environmental concerns. In addition, consumers are most familiar with recycling symbol and Taiwan green mark in current the market eco-labels. Although most consumers have environmental knowledge, their attitudes to the environment are not clear. However, to enhance public awareness of environmental protection, government and enterprises should strongly promote environment-related knowledge and concepts. This way should change consumers’ attitude towards the environment and let them undertake activities about the favorable environmental behavior.


70.黃文雄、黃芳銘、游森期、田育芬、吳忠宏(2009),新環境典範量表之驗證與應用。環境教育研究,第6卷第2期,頁 49-76。


