  • 學位論文


A Study of Male Sexual passion in ”Pin Hua Bao Jian”--focus on the pure love.

指導教授 : 張雙英


《品花寶鑑》是晚清一部以梨園小旦為主題的小說,裡面除了寫小旦們與縉紳子弟之間交遊、往來之外,也有一些關於人性、官場以及社會的黑暗面,作者陳森都將其當時真實的社會現況濃縮入小說裡,藉由書中情節將當時的社會文化投射出來,這也使後人對清代社會的文化與生活有更進一步的了解。 此研究中,筆者將針對書中男性情慾部分作探討,陳森將書中人物的情感明確畫分兩種,一為純正之情,一為淫邪之情,在此研究筆者緊扣「正情」來探析書中男性與男性間的情慾互動。既然是探討「正情」,筆者將本論文中的「慾」定義為排除一切與肉慾相關的身體親密接觸,只著重在心理想法以及外顯行為。因此「正情」可說是屬於精神層面,凌駕於肉體之上,甚至是屏除肉體關係的一種純淨之情,注重的是兩位男性心靈上的契合與精神上的交會。 並從作者陳森的生平經歷,來探討作者自身的情慾是否影響到書中人物的情感發展,以及書中的故事脈絡是否有所寄託或是另有涵義。且獨立章節分析書中幾位重要角色,他們在面對同性與異性時的情感慾望有什麼異同,而這又與作者本身的情慾觀有何關聯,章節間看似獨立,其實環環相扣,希望能在交叉分析中,更清楚《品花寶鑑》一書裡的男性情慾為何會如此呈現。


品花寶鑑 陳森 男同性戀 情慾 正情


Pin Hua Bao Jian is a novel from the late Ching Dynasty, whose subject matter is the Chinese opera xiao dan. The novel not only describes interaction between the xiao dan and the gentry, but also the darker side of humanity, officialdom, and society. The author, Sen Chen, wrote the novel using material from the authentic social situation during that time period. He desired the plot of his novel to reflect the society and culture of that time and cause future generations to know more about the society and culture of the Ching Dynasty. The focus of this research will be male sexual passion. Sen Chen makes a clear division between two emotions the characters experience: one is pure love and the other is carnal desire. This research will concentrate on pure love to analyze the sexual passion interaction between males. In reference to pure love instead of carnal desire, the researcher defines sexual passion as an affection that only emphasizes psychological thought and the revealed behavior and excludes physical sexual passion or physical touch. Therefore, pure love can be said to belong to the psychological plane, overriding the physical, placing importance on the interaction of mental and psychological between two males. Additionally, the researcher will explore the life experience of Chen Sen to see if the author's own sexual passion affected the development of those characters in the novel and whether the novel's plot has an inner meaning. This paper will also analyze important roles in the novel in each plot to discover the difference in affection when facing the same sex and the opposite sex and to see whether that also is related to the affection aspect of the author. Each plot seems independent, but they are actually mutually connected. The researcher hopes this cross analysis will allow readers to have a clearer picture of the presentation of male sexual passion in Pin Hua Bao Jian.


Pin Hua Bao Jian Sen Chen homosexual sexual passion pure love


