  • 學位論文


Building 3D face model used to face recognition base on Kinect

指導教授 : 謝景棠




人臉辨識 PCA SVM Kinect


The applications of face recognition is increasing day by day. The studies of face recognition are mainly occlusions (sunglasses, hats, masks) , illumination (shadows, glare) , facial expressions, age variation , and pose changes (profile, pitch angle is too large) etc, and the side face recognition has been a difficult problem. We propose a simpler and faster method to create 3D face model. First, using ASM(Active Shape Model) to detection and get the color and depth image of face by Kinect, then we based on the information of the depth image portrayed face in opengl three-dimensional. This method retains much texture of information of the original face images, and to create a complete change of face uneven depth. It still has a good result of repairing the distortion in side face. We can get a set face images of the same person with different angles by the method proposed in this paper. In recognition part, we use PCA(Principal Component Analysis) to reduce the dimensions, and combined SVM(Support Vector Machine) to classify. Experiments show that the side face recognition can have good results.


Face Recognition ASM PCA SVM Kinect


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