  • 學位論文


A Tentative Study on the Narrative Effects of Advertisements - Taking the Second and Third Series Ads of IKEA Dating as an Example

指導教授 : 吳怡國


IKEA在2016年在Youtube及電視廣告中,拍了一系列感情關係不同狀態的敘事廣告,為「約會二三事」。從中可發現IKEA針對不同感情關係中閱聽人分為交往前、交往中及分手後。IKEA針對目標族群關係和狀態下的不同和閱聽人進行全面的溝通和行銷,不只是一味的宣傳自己產品的功能性,而是以不同的角度跟主題來滿足閱聽人。研究中主要是從不同男女關係的狀態下的閱聽人著手。 利用這三則廣告的探究,以得到IKEA透過廣告想和不同男女關係的狀態下傳達怎樣的訊息。獲得研究結論如下:(一)研究發現,三則廣告以三種不同感情關係狀態來呈現,但都有一定邏輯性的故事發展。(二) IKEA的商品符號在廣告故事中已非消費產品。(三) IKEA約會二三事系列廣告能增進與閱聽人的情感交流與心靈共鳴,IKEA創造一個真實可信的故事,激發閱聽人的情感因子。(四)女性觀看廣告時認同文本的劇情安排會對廣告抱持正面評價。男性對觀看廣告所產生的愉悅情緒,則會給予正面評價,而觀看時所產生的負面情緒,反而會對廣告抱持負面評價。(五) 研究者在文本分析及訪談中發現,IKEA約會二三事系列廣告依舊使用父系霸權意識形態操弄男女刻板印象,女性在廣告裡處於兩性權力關係的被動角色。(六) 大部分的訪談者不認同或沒發現女性在文本中為弱勢角色的訪談者,思考範疇皆無脫離台灣傳統性別角色的框架中。


In 2016, IKEA took a series of narrative advertisements with different relations on Youtube and TV commercials as "Dating Two or Three Things." Listening to people with young men and women, tell them that this is a field suitable for creating different visions for men and women. This study uses textual analysis and in-depth interviews with "ambiguous articles", "quarrels" and "old lovers articles" as the research sample. All three of these narrative techniques describe what happens when people in different emotional relationships and states read IKEA or buy IKEA products. IKEA can be found in different emotional relationships for the reader is divided into contacts before, during and after breaking up. IKEA conducts comprehensive communication and marketing aimed at different audiences and listeners in the relationship and state of the target group. It not only propagandizes the functionality of their products, but also meets the audience from different angles and with different themes. The study mainly starts with the listeners in different male-female relations. Use these three ads to explore what IKEA can convey through advertising in the context of different relationships between men and women. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The study finds that three advertisements are presented in three different emotional relations, but all have some logical story development. 2. IKEA's product symbols in the advertising story has been non-consumer products. 3. IKEA dating Second and third series of advertisements to enhance and exchange with the reader's emotional communication and soul resonance, IKEA to create a true and credible story, to stimulate the reading of human emotional factors. 4.women's viewing ads agree with the storyline of the text advertising will hold a positive rating. The positive emotions of men watching advertisements will be given a positive comment, while the negative emotions arising from watching them will negatively appraise advertisements. 5.The researchers found in the text analysis and interviews, IKEA dating two or three series of advertisements still use the patriarchal hegemony ideological stereotypes stereotyped men and women, women in the advertisement in the passive role of the relationship between the two sexes. Most of the interviewees disagreed with or did not find any interviewees who had a weak role in the text of women, and their thinking categories were all within the framework of traditional gender roles in Taiwan.


蔡琰;臧國仁(1998)。《新聞敘事結構:再現故事的理論分析》。新聞學研究, No.58。
