  • 學位論文


A Study of the Purchase Intention and Attitude towards Luxury Goods

指導教授 : 李月華


Kapferer(1997)認為「精品名牌是代表美麗的事物,它的美可以用在實體上,且精品名牌代表的不只是實體的東西,它甚至代表好的品味。精品品牌的受歡迎不只是本身的價值,不只是它的世界觀,而是它有獨特追求高品質的標準。精品能給予精神的愉快,更是權力的附屬品。」 本研究在探討虛榮特性、物質主義傾向、人口統計變項等變數對精品名牌的態度與購買意願的影響,在經由過去文獻的探討來確認虛榮特性與物質主義傾向的概念要素與衡量量表。本研究以網路問卷調查進行實證研究,針對大台北地區15歲~44歲的女性進行調查,總共發放270份問卷,有效問卷共為263份。本研究獲得以下結果: 1.虛榮特性與精品名牌的態度和購買意願呈現正向影響。 2.物質主義傾向與精品名牌的態度和購買意願呈現正向影響。 3.精品名牌的態度與精品名牌的購買意願呈現正向影響。 4.所得收入對精品名牌的購買意願具有正向影響 5.人口統計變項在精品名牌的態度與購買意願上具有差異。 根據分析結果,本研究提出行銷管理上的建議,未來業者可以從消費者的心理層面角度進行精品名牌消費行為的推廣,探究消費者對自己外觀及成就期望,或對生活上的滿足需求,引發出消費者對精品名牌的需求,以促使消費者將自身心理層面上的期望轉移到對精品名牌的購買行為以求得滿足。


“Luxury defines beauty;They offer more than mere objects:they provide reference of good taste. Luxury brands are animated by their internal programme, their global vision, the specific taste which they promote as well as the pursuit for their own standards. Luxury items provide extra pleasure and flatter all senses at one. Luxury is the appendage of the ruling classes.” This research explored the effect of vanity, materialism, demographics on attitude and purchase intention toward luxury goods, and conducted the factor and scale of vanity trait and materialism with literature review and discussion. Our research investigated 15~44years old women who live in Taipei by web questionnaire, and reached 263 valid samples. We found that: 1.There is positive impact among vanity trait, purchase intention and attitudes towards luxury goods. 2.There is positive impact among materialism, purchase intention and attitudes towards luxury goods. 3.There is positive impact between purchase intention and attitudes towards luxury goods. 4.There is positive impact between revenue and purchase intention towards luxury goods. 5.Consumers’ demographics have significant effect on purchase intention towards luxury goods. According to the results, the research proposed several marketing practical suggestions. We suggest that dealers could promote their luxury brand by for consumers’ psychological view to impact the consumer behaving. That is, we can explore consumer’s expectations of their appearance and achievement, or find out their needs of life. By our exploration, we can find out consumers’ need of luxury good, and stimulate consumers to transfer their psychological expectation to luxury goods purchase behavior and get their complacence


Vanity Trait Materialism Luxury Goods


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