  • 學位論文


Critical Success Factors for Projects: From The Perspective of Electronic Component Distributors

指導教授 : 楊立人


電子零組件通路商在現今科技產業高度發展的環境下,生存愈顯困難,而一般企業管理者欲減少供應商數量,而增加與重要供應商的供應量,早已為電子系統廠的一致共識。電子零組件通路商的主要獲利來源透過各項電子零組件代理業務,但由於原廠的業績成長斜率有一定的要求,因此時常面臨強大的考驗,故行銷專案是平衡公司營運的重要關鍵,本研究的目的即在於透過文獻探討及透過專家的意見調查,建立「電子通路銷售專案成功因素層級架構」,藉由歸納出4個評定電子通路銷售專案成功關鍵因素之準則「專案管理者」、「專案成員」、「激勵和支援」、及「產品和行銷」等四個構面進行探討與建立評估準則。應用製作問卷和專家深入訪談之方法剔除不必要之因子,然後在以網路層級分析法計算各因子之權重。最後再以四個電子通路商行銷專案進行案例實證。本研究結果顯示電子通路銷售專案成功關鍵因素評量指標相對權重四大指標權重排序為: (1)專案管理者(權重值為0.346)、(2) 專案成員(權重值為0.339)、(3) 產品和行銷(權重值為0.209)和(4) 激勵和支援(權重值為0.106)。最後在實證分析中四個案例實證中顯示,越能掌握權重高的成功因素之專案,其專案達成度越高。專案領導者各項能力和專案成員之工作滿意度為最重要之關鍵因素,在實際個案驗證後,發現能確切掌握這兩大環節之個案其成果皆能達成經營決策層的目標。


Project management is a necessity for electronic component distributors to maintain a competitive advantage in the face of market pressures. This is especially the case in the high- tech industry, where product lifecycles are short. A model was use to evaluate the contribution of critical success factors on the performance of projects in the electronic component distributors. The primary objective of this research was to develop a comprehensive framework for evaluating critical project success factors for electronic component distributors. The second objective was to identify and prioritize critical success factors using the analytical network process (ANP). The third objective was to verify the effectiveness of the ANP model. The results indicate that job satisfaction is perceived as the most important success factor, followed by project schedule control, market segment, project planning, bonus, and project communication and coordination.


許如欽 (2005) ,「專案負責人能力、專案執行力與專案效益之探討-以政府專案為例」,中山管理評論,pp.269。
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, (1999), Marketing:An Introduction, 4th. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall.
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, (1997), Marketing: An Introduction, 4th. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, p251
