  • 學位論文


Reliability analysis for RAID controller

指導教授 : 黃文濤


可靠度工程對於國防軍用武器、航空運輸、醫療儀器、商用系統產品而言,是一種追求品質最佳化的過程,在現今追求高品質的社會環境,品質是造成差異化優勢的重要指標,可靠度越高代表著產品越具有競爭力,越能在商用產品的市場上形成區隔與優勢。因此,系統的可靠度優劣,已成為市場競爭之關鍵因素。 本研究使用以下可靠度方法來提升系統可靠度,(一)失效樹分析(Fault tree analysis,FTA)將不希望發生之故障事件當作頂端事件,再以演繹的方式逐步找出導致該事件發生的失效原因,影響較大者為系統操作之弱點,可做為系統設計改進或增進系統安全性之指標。(二)實地蒐集客戶不良品失效資料,透過實際資料的分析,計算失效控制器之實際使用時間,利用韋伯分布與Relia soft軟體的協助,解析系統可靠度。(三)利用系統可靠度模式,架構出分系統與系統功能方塊圖,再配合適當的成功機率資料進行可靠度配當、估計與分析,選擇最佳改善方案。 本研究參考過去對電子裝備所採用的失效樹分析與韋氏機率紙的運用,以某磁碟陣列控制器為例,藉由實地蒐集客戶不良品失效資料,針對特定的產品思考可能發生的問題,進而深入探究這些問題對產品的影響、影響的程度、發生的原因、發生的頻率,利用定量故障樹分析,估計頂端事件與基本事件的發生機率,協助設計工程人員及早發現產品或工程設計上的弱點造成潛在性的缺陷,再以利潤最大化之可靠度決策,選擇最佳設計改善模式,使產品達成設計目標及顧客的要求,企業也達到最大利潤。


可靠度 失效樹 韋伯分布


Reliability engineering is very important to commercial product such as military weapon, air transportations and medical instrument etc.. In fact, it is the quality optimization processes. In marketing competition, the higher the quality of a product, the superior it possesses. This research applies the following method to improve the system reliability. (1) Fault tree analysis(FTA): The failure paths are separated graphically as a faulty tree illustration. An undesired event is considered as a top event. Obviously, this method can be used to find some weaknesses of the system (design) so that some improvement of the system safety can be conducted. (2) Collect function data from customer and based on this data we can estimate the parameters of Weibull density which considered as density of life length of an item (the system). (3) In terms of selling benefit, we define a criterion to compare superiority of two different designs. This research focuses on RAID. Based on a real data set, we estimate the related parameters in the Weibull distribution which is considered as the distribution of life time of an item in RAID. We propose two different designs which are used to improve the original design. Based on the proposed criterion(see (3)) we have finally decided the superior design. Obviously, the method can be used to find the optimal design if all different designs are considered.


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