  • 學位論文


Research on the localization strategy of local culture estival-a case study of the Tamsui international environmental arts festival

指導教授 : 李仲彬




Under the impact caused by the trend of globalization, every country in the world is trying its best to protect the uniqueness and creativeness of its local culture. The cultural policy in Taiwan is not an exception. Local cultural celebrations in particular have been the means each local government in Taiwan often uses to market local cultural features, promote local industry development and prosper local cultural tourism during the last few years. As a result, many local cultural celebrations have been established with success in the past decade which brought multiple benefits to the local governments. However, while local governments are competing to hold celebration activities, the initial intents, such as local cultural identity, are abandoned and neglected as local governments are impacted by political and benefit manipulations. This causes chaos in celebration activities in Taiwan and that many local cultural celebrations cannot be established again for the same reason and local residents’ criticisms are everywhere. In order to reduce all the celebration chaos, the research tried to observe the connection between local culture and local cultural celebration first before exploring the process in which a local cultural celebration obtains local cultural identity. Moreover, the research was also intended to establish a feasible local implementation strategy for celebration and local government participants through literature and practices relating to celebrations. The local implementation strategy of “Tamsui International Environmental Arts Festival,” a local cultural festival in Tamsui, was used to analyze the benefit and impact of local cultural identity toward the celebration. In addition, whether local cultural identity was the core value of local cultural celebration was also investigated. Excellent implementation strategies that implemented local cultural identity were also searched for. Lastly, the local thinking and action a celebration organizer should have were discussed to provide suggestions to follow-up celebration organizers. Hopefully the local cultural celebrations in Taiwan can be developed sustainably.


林佩穎(2000) 〈義工參與動機、工作特性、工作滿意與離職傾向關係之研究—


