  • 學位論文


A Study of Domestic Business Model at Operational Level for Advance Traveler Information System

指導教授 : 董啟崇


回顧目前國內先進旅行者資訊系統(Advanced Traveler Information System, ATIS )發展狀況,發現整體系統運作效果不如預期,檢視問題可綜整為資訊多元化與多樣性不足、資訊片斷化與操作不流暢以及系統功能與資訊內容局限等現象。由於國內ATIS系統發展主要仰賴公部門領先投入經費於基礎建設,且私部門參與均僅各自局部非系統化地零散投入,欠缺以整體資訊流(鏈)檢視系統縱向與橫向及各階段連貫銜接等運作效率,就廣義而言即欠缺適當之商業模式運作概念。就以往ATIS商業模式相關研究,大致以公私部門上位層級之相互關係為研究主軸,提供概念性(廣泛性)層面研究,屬規劃管理層級商業模式,如公部門主導商業模式、BOT等,忽略了實質操作環節整合之商業模式。因此本研究將深入探討以操作層級為基礎,結合系統分析概念與動態規劃方法,研擬一套具體研究方法可供ATIS操作層級商業模式建立遵循之參考。 本研究之工作內容主要可分為三部份,第一部分以系統分析方法解構資訊流程,建立資訊流程各階段內完整之工作項目,並調查參與廠商(單位)業務參與範圍,構建整體決策路網。第二部分為問卷調查決策路網各階段方案組合連結之報酬函數(優劣或困難度等指標),並利用動態規劃求解整體決策路網獲得最佳路徑。第三部分為利用最佳方案工作組合為基礎,對應至各參與廠商(類型)其涉及各階段工作項目技術銜接與範圍,以及彼此上下、水平階段與同質、異質間之策略合作關係,提出適合之參與建議。 本研究主要示範以各階段之動態規劃方法求解,獲得ATIS資訊流各階段工作項目最佳連結組合,使ATIS資訊流有整體性與連貫性運作概念,實務上意涵為參與廠商需同時執行方案組合中之工作項目,可提升各階段工作連貫性與系統運作效率,並且歸納出各類型廠商適合之參與範圍與可能之策略合作方式及合作廠商類型,提供廠商之參考依據。本研究不同以往ATIS商業模式偏重於概念性或政策性呈現運作關係,而以定義資訊流(鏈)關係示範求解具體且全面之ATIS技術操作層級,以符合ITS系統架構下各工作項目協調合作之商業模式運作關係。


One may find that performance by current version of domestic Advanced Traveler Information Systems falling short to public expectation. The causes may be complex, however can be attributed from lacking of flexibility, too fragmented information, and lacking of seamless integration. The sole role of public sector to develop the ATIS system seems to be the culprit to restrict the system’s performance to achieve full potential. Involvement of private sectors through investment and technological advances can develop adequate business model to elevate overall performance. There were some studies and researches analyzed the possible business models with rather conceptual framework at either strategic or planning level, however actual operational issues were mostly neglected or overlooked. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a systematic approach to develop an ATIS business model at operational level. Three major tasks are implemented to achieve such goal: firstly, system analysis approach will be implemented to construct overall system structure where elements for information chain will be identified; secondly, costs of linkage between elements/options across stages for information chain were evaluated in terms of impedance and attractive scores, which were obtained from a designed survey for related ATIS industries. Possible linkages between stages form a multi-stage decision network, which is formulated as Dynamic Programming problem and solved accordingly. The solution of path from initial stage of information chain towards the end stage generates the “optimal” ATIS business model in terms of bundle of service items over entire ATIS data steam.


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