  • 學位論文


The Study of Corporate Governance in France: LVMH Group Case Study

指導教授 : 陳麗娟


21世紀初以來,美國Enron、法國Vivendi等上市公司財務弊案嚴重衝擊全球資本市場,公司治理議題備受世界各國討論,認為好的公司治理能夠恢復投資人信心、重振市場與鼓勵外國投資。歐盟亦認為良善的公司治理制度有助於提昇歐洲企業的競爭力與增進歐洲內部市場的經濟發展,並將公司治理改革視為政策重點,然而歐盟會員國各自擁有不同的公司法制度,對歐洲內部市場自由流通構成阻礙。為了消除內部市場的阻礙與調和會員國間不同的公司治理制度,歐盟於2003年提出公司法與公司治理行動計畫,陸續公布多項指令調適會員國之間公司治理制度的法規差異。法國身為歐盟會員國之一,在促進內部市場上扮演重要角色。法國政府配合歐盟進行一連串的公司治理改革,針對歐盟公布的各項指令轉換立法。 法國企業具有股權集中的特色且很多是家族企業,法國精品企業LVMH集團也具備這些特色,LVMH集團除了是世界規模最大的精品集團外,也是影響法國精品市場的要角。LVMH集團成功透過收購其他精品品牌的經營模式影響其他精品企業。企業的良善經營是維持企業順利運作的重要因素,良好的公司治理也有助於提昇企業的競爭力。法國精品市場集團化不僅影響法國國內精品市場,事實上也間接影響歐洲內部市場。 本論文以LVMH集團為案例,分析法國精品市場集團化的成因與發展,以探討法國公司治理改革對LVMH集團內部公司治理的影響與法國精品企業集團化對歐洲內部市場的影響。


Since the beginning of the 21st century, financial scandals and failures of corporate governance such as Enron in the USA, Vivendi in France have caused serious impacts on the global capital markets. Corporate governance has been controversially discussed and promoted as an instrument to restore investors’ confidence and encourage foreign investment. The European Union (EU) considers effective company laws and corporate governance practices as an essential instrument for enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of the European Internal Market. To achieve the objectives, the harmonization of corporate governance in the EU is necessary. Different corporate laws in Member States may appear trade barriers. In 2003, the Action Plan on “Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union” has been declared by the European Commission to emphasize on the importance of corporate governance reforms. The EU also enacted several directives to harmonize the corporate laws of Member States. France plays an important role in strengthening the internal market. France’s government has transformed EU directives into the national law for achieving the EU corporate governance reform initiatives. Ownership concentration is very common in French listed companies. Most of them are family businesses. LVMH Group (LVMH Moet Hennessy - Louis Vuitton) is a famous example. LVMH Group is not only the global largest luxury group, but also a key player in French luxury goods market. LVMH Group’s success of acquiring other luxury brands has inspired other luxury companies. Effective business management is one of the key factors for company operation. The effective corporate governance also has positive effects to improve the competitiveness. LVMH Group’s business strategy would affect the French luxury goods markets and the European Internal Market. This thesis focuses on the development and reform of corporate governance in France, LVMH Group management and its internal control, the influences of French corporate law on LVMH Group corporate governance. This thesis also discusses the effects of the group of luxury brands in France and the European Internal Market.


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