  • 學位論文


Simulation-Based Design for Site-Specific Art Installation:The Art of Light and Space

指導教授 : 戴楠青


光線是營造建築空間質感氛圍的重要元素,也是引發人類視覺感知的主要媒介;視覺是人類感受與經驗空間環境的主要知覺,但視覺並不完全是一種準確的感知系統;人類會因為視覺系統對於部分視覺資訊在處理上產生模稜兩可的解讀,以及大腦認知系統的判斷差異,產生視錯覺感知。視錯覺不僅發生在平面圖像的認知,也產生在實際的三維空間感知上;而某些二維平面上的視錯覺表現,也同時會發生在三維空間當中。然而視錯覺強迫感受且穩定存在的性質,往往成為平面圖像與空間設計的操作元素。視錯覺帶來的特殊感知經驗,也經常被使用在藝術創作中,尤其是20世紀興起的裝置藝術與場域特定藝術的表現上。 1960年代組成的美國加州光與空間藝術團體之作品,就以光線作為媒材並且加上視錯覺的表現,來呈現給觀賞者一種特殊的藝術裝置空間作品經驗。然而,這樣的作品受限在如何具體呈現出光線的物理真實特性,以及符合人類視覺感知系統的運作方式,難以用其他的手法表現於媒材工具上。所以,由現實環境試驗操作的試誤法,成為了去完成創作光與空間藝術作品的主要方式;也因此這樣的藝術裝置作品,通常只有在觀賞者親自到達展演現場,才能夠完整的體驗。 本研究嘗試了解人類視覺感知系統的運作,以及分析視錯覺在二維平面與三維空間的特性與表現;並使用一套電腦運算工作流程,結合物理基礎彩現、知覺基礎色調對映、立體圖像合成技術以及立體屏幕顯示,進而產生一種數位圖像環境。此數位圖像環境可以在電腦顯示器屏幕上,模擬與視覺化呈現出光與空間藝術團體的特殊作品效果。並且按照數位運算模擬下的數值條件,以實體的空間裝置模型製作,來檢證整合數位模擬輔助設計光環境空間的可行性與準確性。因此,利用上述數位圖像環境的工作流程與呈現方法為基礎,結合心理學上的視錯覺研究理論,進一步模擬試驗與設計出特殊的光與空間之場域特定藝術空間裝置,探究光線在建築空間設計思考上的豐富想像。


Visual perception is the primary sense humans utilize to perceive the space and environment around them. However, visual perception does not always deliver true information. Optical illusions occur because of ambiguous perceptual judgments of visual information, and can be observed in the visual perception of both 2-D planar and 3-D spatial systems. Because these illusions can be impactful to people who have normal vision, it has been utilized as one of the design parameters for art and architecture. Light is one of the essential factors that contributes to the intangible characteristics of an architectural space, and it is also the primary intermediary that induces visual perception. Many artists of the Light and Space modern art movement have been using light as both a material and a medium to create art installations that provide specific visual and spatial perception. This art installation method involves complex site environment interaction and trial and error remain as the primary design methods. Additionally, the exhibition is often restricted to the physical site. This thesis presents an innovative approach for utilizing light, and visual illusions resulting from the perception of light, as parameters to design a three-dimensional space through a computer-aided design process. A computational workflow that employs physically-based rendering, perceptually-based tone-reproduction, and stereo display technology to assist the design process of art installations that utilize light and illusion was explored and validated. To conclude the study, a site-specific art installation with architectural scale was designed and evaluated employing this innovative computer-aided design tool.


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