  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationships between the Cognition of LOHAS Lifestyle and the Consumption of Functional Foods

指導教授 : 王居卿


我國已邁入高齡化社會,但在醫學進步之下,國人的壽命不斷延長,而追求生命延長的同時及退休後的生活品質與健康狀況是現代人追求的生活趨勢。機能性食品已被證明能透過營養的供給去改善健康狀況或是減低發生疾病的危險性,因而能滿足人們對於保護健康或是預防傳染疾病的需求,使得機能性食品的需求市場快速成長,而追求樂活生活的族群也有相同的理念去追求健康的生活,不同的是樂活生活族群追求健康的同時追求環境與個人的永續發展。許多廠商試圖開發各類產品去符合樂活生活消費族群的需求,但是樂活生活的消費族群相較於一般的消費者對機能性食品的消費意圖是否有差異,是本研究將探討的主要議題。 本研究以20歲以上的消費者為調查對象,設定「樂活生活認知」、「機能性食品態度」及「機能性食品消費行為意圖」三個構面進行關聯性研究,探討消費者對於樂活生活認知的程度對於機能性食品的消費意圖的影響,並同時探討樂活生活認知程度對於機能性食品態度的影響,以及消費者對於機能性食品態度是否影響到消費者對於機能性食品的消費意圖。經調查後發現「樂活生活認知」程度對消費者的「機能性食品態度」呈現正向影響,並且「樂活生活認知」程度與「機能性食品態度」皆對消費者「機能性食品消費行為意圖」呈現正向影響。


樂活 生活型態 機能性食品


Taiwan has been entering the aging society. People life to be extended continually because of the medical advances. While the pursuit of life extension and quality of life and health after retirement is the modern living trends. Functional foods have been proven that it can improve health status through the supply of nutrients or reduce the occurrence of the diseases risk, which can satisfy people's request for the protection of health or the prevention of infectious diseases, making functional foods market growth rapidly. LOHAS peoples have the same value is also to pursue healthy life. The difference for the LOHAS peoples is also pursuing a healthy environment and the individual sustainable development. Lots of manufacturers try to develop a range of products to meet the LOHAS consumer living needs, but the issues is we don’t know the difference in the consumers’ intention between general consumer and LOHAS peoples. In this study, we explore the relationships among three dimension, “LOHAS lifestyle cognition”, “functional foods attitude” and “consumption behavior intention of functional foods” in the consumers over the age of 20. After investigation found that consumer’s "LOHAS lifestyle cognitive" affect consumer’s “functional foods attitude” positively. We also found that consumers’ "LOHAS lifestyle cognitive" and “functional foods attitude” affect consumers' “consumption behavioral intention of functional foods "positively.


LOHAS Lifestyle Functional Foods


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