  • 學位論文


ACO-based Path Planning for Pick-and-Place Objects of Robot Manipulator

指導教授 : 翁慶昌




In the path planning for the pick-and-place objects of a robot manipulator, a method based on an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is designed and implemented in this thesis. The proposed method is applied to solve the pick-and-place objects problem based on 「Hands-on Competition of HIWIN Intelligent Robot Manipulator」. There are totally 24 objects (four kinds of colors, each color has five balls and a cube) on a table. How to plan a path to let the robot manipulator can efficiently and automatically pick up in sequence all the balls and cubes on the desktop and place them into the same color and shape of the box hole. In the experimental verification, a vision system is constructed so that the desktop image can be captured by one camera placed on the top of desktop, four colors ball and cube and four colors round and square holes on the box can be automatically identified to calculate their coordinates. Then the proposed method is applied to plan a shortest path so that the robot manipulator can pick up all the balls and cubes with four colors on the desktop and place the grabbed object into the same color box hole in sequence. From the experimental results, the proposed method can be very fast indeed plan a shortest path so that the robot manipulator with a shorter time to complete the task of pick-and-place objects.


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[1] FANUC Robotics, URL: http://www.fanucrobotics.com


