  • 學位論文


Deconstruct the gender meaning on internet subculture of “NiceGuy Culture”

指導教授 : 楊明昱


電子佈告欄系統(BBS:Bulletin Board System)在台灣地區呈現著新穎的生命型態,連帶衍生出許多有趣的網路次文化,造成部分傳統社會學理論難以解釋的盲點,其中「好人文化」即是一項鮮明的案例,本研究以目前全台規模最大的BBS站台:台大PTT中《好人俱樂部》社群為研究個案,透過論述分析方法,試圖探究《好人俱樂部》網友在透過各種獨特的敘說模式將單戀的無奈轉化為「好人文化」的情誼時,於其中構築出何種對於自我與他者的想像地圖,反應了當代台灣何種性別刻板印象與意識型態權力之運作。 本研究所關懷的重點鎖定在三個部分,分別是「好人文化」的符號策略、「好人文化」獨特的敘事腳本以及「好人文化」論述中所透露出的性別刻板印象與性別意涵,偏向更深層的社會意涵省思,整合相關文化研究之學術理論,將論述焦點置放於性別意識型態的抵抗與牽制。 「好人文化」喜歡透過所謂惡搞(kuso)的方式去包裝不愉快的經驗或使用一些特殊的結構去描述他們在單戀時的心境,以產生強烈的正向人生觀,與其他隱藏在網路背後的人們尋求相互分享的心靈體驗,使得讀者在閱讀這些論述的時候,不僅感覺到可愛、好笑或溫馨,還能從這些論述中找覓得一些更深刻的社會意義,這也是網路次文化存在的意義之一。「好人文化」也象徵著男性意識的覺醒,本研究認為父系社會對男性展現女性氣質的排斥,導致男性脆弱情緒宣洩上的壓抑現象,使其轉而進入了匿名的網路空間以尋求類似體驗的團體凝聚力,省卻社會主流價值的批判眼光,以各種論述形式自我揭露,自由揮灑,使得網路次文化浮現許多人們從未思考,或不願意思考的新觀念。最後,「好人文化」也反映了兩性在性別角色以及分工的跨界是不均衡的,換言之,男性氣質跨入女性氣質的範疇,比起女性氣質跨入男性氣質,所受到主流社會的異樣眼光來得多,因為女性在父權社會的影響下,為求取兩性平權,使得女性爭取與男性相對等的權利甚至一些性格上的特質,被社會認為是增加女性能動性的行動之一,因此較為正面;而男性本身是既得利益者,社會又賦予男性強勢主宰者的地位,使得男性跨入女性氣質的範疇較為負面,因此,性別刻板印象雖有鬆動,但仍然無法徹底從社會中消除。


The key points which this research will discuss can be divided into three parts. The first part is the symbol tactics of " Niceguy subculture" , next is the unique narration script of "Niceguy subculture" and the last is gender stereotype, social meaning that revealed in the discourse in" Niceguy subculture", the third part will discuss more deep social meaning and thinking. This research will integrate theories of culture into Internet studying, focusing on the resisting and impeding toward sex ideology. Research result indicate that "Niceguy subculture" tend to packing unhappy experience through the way of “kuso”, or using some special narration structure to describe the mental state in one-sided love.They producing strongly optimistic mind by the humorous style, making readers not only feel lovely , laughable or warm while they reading these story but still can discover some deeper social effects. Next, "Niceguy subculture" is symbolizing the awakening of male sex consciousness. This research shows that the paternal society represents the phenomenon of misogyny, causing the constriction of fragile mood from male, making them seeking group cohesiveness which have similar experience by enter anonymous cyberspace and revealing themselves in the form of various kinds of discourse. Therefore, "Niceguy subculture" brings a lot of concept which people have never thought, or unwilling to think deeply. Finally, "Niceguy subculture" reflected the unbalanced situation between two sexes, in other words, compared to female makings stride into the categories of male's makings , male making stride into the female making will attract more unusual eyes in the mainstream society. That is because male itself is concerned to vested interests by society, resulted in the category of making man stride into women's makings is comparatively negative, therefore, although the gender stereotype becomes flexible nowadays, it still unable to dispel from the society completely.




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