  • 學位論文


Social Marketing Strategies and their Effect: A Case Study of Deposing A-Bian Movement

指導教授 : 韓釗


自從1971年Kotler & Zaltman 提出社會行銷的概念後,認為行銷不僅上於運用在商業上,亦可擴展至非營利組織。目前,已有許多公共及非營利組織均以引進社會行銷的方法推廣其倡導的理念。然而,在眾多的社會行銷研究中,卻少有以弘揚理念或價值觀的社會運動為討論主體。因此,本研究即以社會運動如何運用行銷運作模式推廣其理念的過程進行了解,俾作為日後推展社會運動之參考。 本研究焦點以提出反貪腐理念的倒扁運動為研究個案,以倒扁運動提出的行銷策略為主要內容,依據行銷理論提及的市場利基、市場區隔、定位策略與行銷組合為架構,探討倒扁運動如何制定及運用行銷策略以吸引社會大眾的注意與激勵群眾參與,促使參與者對宣揚之理念產生認同。 本研究經分析後取得五項發現: 一、貪腐政局與人民不滿政府的情緒,形成倒扁運動發起的市場利基。 二、運動採行區隔與以往暴力群眾運動的差異化策略,突顯運動愛、和平、非暴力的優勢。 三、行銷組合使用,帶來數以萬計的參與群眾的支持與認同。 四、倒扁運動過於重視行銷活動,使運動失焦,無法達到阿扁下台的訴求,致使參與群眾需求未被滿足,而形成群眾離開之結果。 五、行銷理論缺少宗教習俗之探究。 基於以上研究發現,倒扁運動掌握市場利基機會,於運動早期運用行銷組合,成功吸引眾多群眾參與運動,但運動後期過於重視行銷活動,而阿扁下台的訴求遲遲未出現,以致未能滿足群眾需求。由於人民需求未能滿足,使倒扁運動推出更多活動,無法吸引眾多群眾參與,而形成後期參與人數削弱之因。此外,本研究亦發現宗教習俗輔助行銷策略的規劃,由於過去理論尚未提及宗教習俗與行銷策略效用之關係,故可於未來訂定研究方向時納入考量。


Kotler & Zaltman introduced the concept of social marketing in 1971. Marketing, they believe, can not only be applied in the area of business, but also be extended to the area of managing non-profit organizations. Nowadays, many public and non-profit organizations have used the methods of social marketing to promote their visions. However, few studies of social marketing have discussed the marketing activities of social movement. Therefore, this research intends to explore the process of applying the methods of social marketing to form the strategies for promoting the ideas articulated in the social movement. This research is a case study of the Deposing A-Bian Movement and focuses on the marketing strategies implemented in this movement. By using market niches, market segmentation and positioning, the strategies of differentiation and marketing mix as the framework, this research discusses how the headquarter of the Deposing A-Bian Movement has enacted and implemented its marketing strategies to attract the attention of the public and motivate people to participate that in turn resulted in idea identification. There are five major findings in this research: 1. The discontent and resentment toward the political corruption of the government formed the niche of Deposing A-Bian Movement. 2. The differentiation strategy that emphasizes the ideas of love, peace and non-violence has effectively distinguished the movement from many traditional social movements that were characterized by the acts of violence. 3. The use of appropriate marketing mix strategies has effectively brought support and recognition from tens of thousands of participants. 4. The overemphasis of the movement on marketing activities resulted in the loss of focus. As a consequence, many people left the movement when they found their appeal for deposing A-Bian could not be accomplished. 5. The theory of marketing has not discussed the effects of customs and religions on the formation of marketing strategies. Based on the research findings listed above, the Deposing A-Bian Movement has taken the advantages of market niches and applied marketing mix early in the movement which may lead to the success of attracting numerous participants. However, overemphasizing marketing activities without realizing the appeal of deposing A-Bian simultaneously tended to become the primary cause that led to the unsatisfaction of the participants. Therefore, more and more unsatisfied people left even though the Deposing A-Bian Movement brought out more marketing activities later on. Moreover, the research also found customs and religions had played an important role in the process of formulating marketing strategies. Since this phenomenon has never been mentioned in previous studies, it may be a good subject for doing research in the future.


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