  • 學位論文


A Research of the Chang Progress of Middle-age Women’s Self-concept in Reading Groups

指導教授 : 呂旭亞


論文提要內容: 本研究旨在探究中年女性參與讀書會動機及其自我概念在參與過程中之改變歷程。本研究參與者分別為參與讀書會達七年、八年及十年的三位中年女性,採半結構式訪談進行三至四次的深度訪談,研究分析以訪談逐字稿為主,依紮根理論的方式進行資料概念化。本研究中之自我概念界定為研究參與者的自我描述、人際互動關係、面對問題心態以及有關生活目標四方面。 本研究結果可歸納為以下五點:一、家庭生命中期發展任務之調適是中年女性參與讀書會之初始動機;在參與過程中陸續被引發的心理需求,則是中年女性持續參與讀書會的動力。二、參與讀書會幫助中年女性對自我的描述轉變為:個性較開朗、有話較願意表達、可以侃侃而談、較有自信,進而可以自我肯定的人。 三、參與讀書會有助於中年女性與家人、與朋友的互動關係;尤其,中年女性在參與中意識到過去的交友心結、婆媳心結以及父女情結,而改善與對方的互 動方式,並增進彼此的親密關係。四、參與讀書會有助於中年女性面對問題心態轉變為內省式的自我反思,並逐漸養成解決問題能力。五、參與讀書會有助於中年女性對生活目標之認知與確認,以及發展為具關懷品質的人。 最後,依據研究結果分別針對團體之定位、讀書團體帶領人、中年女性讀書治療團體,以及後續研究提出具體之建議。 關鍵詞:中年女性、讀書團體、自我概念、讀書治療


Abstract: This study aims to explore the middle-age women's motivation to participate reading groups. And it also covers the changes and the progresses of their self-concept in reading groups. The interviewees in this study are 3 middle-age women each had spent 7, 8 and 10 years to participate in reading groups. The transcripts are recorded from 3 or 4 times in-depth interviews with semi-structured method. The findings are concluded by analyzing and conceptualizing these interview transcripts based on grounded theory. The so-called self-concept in this study consists of self- characterization, relationship interaction, attitude toward problems and life goals. The five findings summarized in this study are: 1) The middle-age women's initial motivation for reading group is to equip their capabilities of adopting the developmental task in mid-term family life. Their mental needs under consciousness which were stimulated during the participation in reading groups is further inspired providing the motive power of sustainability for reading groups. 2) Participation in a reading group helps the middle-age women transforms self-characterization into the one with opener mind, more willing to express herself, more straightforward talking, more confidence, and self-esteem. 3) Participation in a reading group helps the middle-age women to improve their relationships with relatives and friends. It particularly makes the middle-age women realize their friendship complex, the knot between mother- and daughter-in-law and father-daughter complex in the past, so the interaction with each other became smoother and the relationships got closer. 4) Participation in a reading group helps the middle-age women to transform their attitude toward problems into introspective self-reflection and to gradually establish their abilities of problem-solving. 5) Participation in a reading group supports the middle-age women in cognizing and confirming their life goals and makes them become more considerate. Finally, According to the above conclusions, this research provides the suggestions against the positioning of groups, the leader of reading goup, the bibliotherapy group for middle-aged females, and the following research. :




