  • 學位論文


Research on The Doctrine of Jing-Qi in the Four Chapters of Guan-tzu

指導教授 : 王邦雄


《管子》四篇「精氣論」研究 本文主要在探索《管子》四篇的思想內涵。首先剖析「精氣論」的核心概念,再進一步展示其理論架構,最後確立其思想價值與學術地位。本文分為八章進行討論,內容綱要分述於後。 第一章〈導論〉:說明研究動機、方法、進路與問題意識,並概述歷年來相關議題的研究成果。 第二章〈學術背景與思想淵源〉:首先,從稷下學宮與稷下學派,探討《管子》的學術背景;其次,從《管子》的辨偽考證,探究《管子》四篇的作者、年代,與思想特質;最後,從「氣」概念的發展,探究「精氣論」的思想淵源。 第三章〈「精氣論」的價值根源〉:首先剖析「道」與「德」的涵義,再進一步探究「精氣論」的價值根源。 第四章〈「精氣論」的義理結構〉:分別剖析「精」、「氣」、「神」的精確涵義;其次釐清「精」和「氣」的混淆之處,以及「精」和「神」的關聯性;最後則展示「精氣論」的義理結構。 第五章〈「精氣論」的實踐與發用〉:本章旨在探究「精氣論」如何落實於政治與人生。其修養工夫乃是「養心」與「養形」並重,政治理想則是「君德」與「君術」兼備。由此可知,《管子》四篇以「道」為中心,建構出「精氣論」,進而由治身乃至治國,展現出高度的現實關懷。 第六章〈戰國時期「心氣論」的發展與比較〉:本章透過孟子的「養氣」工夫、莊子的「心齋」工夫,分別與《管子》四篇的「精氣論」做比較,藉以展現戰國時期「心氣論」的發展概況,以及儒道兩家的思想對話。 第七章〈「精氣論」的歷史迴響與思想定位〉:本章分別透過《荀子》、《淮南子》與《管子》四篇做比較,探討其學術貢獻;最後從「氣論」的發展脈絡,確立「精氣論」應有的價值定位。 第八章〈結論〉:總結全文,並檢討研究成果。 經過以上八章的概念分析和理論建構,本文對於《管子》四篇的「精氣論」有一整體把握,並獲得以下研究成果:一、「精氣論」是從道家「氣論」邁向漢代「元氣論」的重要樞紐;二、「因循無為」的政治思想對於黃老學派的發展,奠定了義理規模。


精氣 靈氣 無為 稷下 學派 黃老之學


Research on The Doctrine of Jing-Qi in the Four Chapters of Guan-tzu I mainly discuss the thoughts of Guan-tzu(《管子》)in this thesis. Firstly, I anatomize the core concepts of “Jing-Qi” and secondly, reveal further its theoretical structures. At last, establish firmly its thinking worth as well as academic status. It’s divided into 8 chapters. The outline is as follows: Chapter 1, Introduction: To describe the motives, methods, approaches and problematic consciousnesses of this thesis. I hereby summarize the diachronic relative research achievements. Chapter 2, Academic Background and Thinking Source: To discuss Ji-hsia School’s (稷下學派)academic background and then investigate Guan-tzu’s authors, era and characteristics from the textual criticism of Guan-tzu. Finally, to explore the thinking source of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’(精氣論)from the development of the concept of Qi(氣). Chapter 3,The Source of the Worth of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’: Above all, to dissect the meanings of Tao(道) and De(德) and then discuss the source of worth of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’. Chapter 4,The Philosophic Structure of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’: To analyze separately the precise meanings of Jing(精), Qi(氣)and Shen(神). After that, to clarify the confusion in Jing and Qi and the connection between Jing and Shen. Eventually, to display the philosophic structures of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’. Chapter 5, The Practice and Application of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’: The gist in this chapter is to discuss how did ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’ put into effect by politics and human life. Its work of Self-cultivation is to equally stress on both Cultivating Mind(養心)and Cultivating Body(養形). As to the political ideal is to be in possession of both Emperor’s morality(君德)and Emperor’s skills as well as methods(君術). As deduced from here, we learn that Guan-tzu took Tao as center, constructed its ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’, and then showed its pragmatic concerns. Chapter 6, The Development and Comparison of ‘The Doctrine of Xin-Qi’(心氣論)in the Warring States Periods: Through the comparison among Mencius’ Cultivating Qi’ (養氣), Chuang-tzu’s ‘The Fasting of the Mind’(心齋)and Guan-tzu’s The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’, I emerge the general situation of‘ The Doctrine of Xin-Qi’ and the philosophic dialogues between Confucianism and Taoism. Chapter 7, the historical reverberation and thinking position of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’: Compared with Hsun-tzu(《荀子》), Huainan-tzu(《淮南子》) and Guan-tzu, I probe the latter’s contribution to academy. Finally, to establish firmly the suitable value and status of ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’ through the developmental context of Qi. Chapter 8, Conclusion: To sum up and review the results. Not only know well entirely through the analysis of the concepts as well as the theoretical construction of Guan-tzu’s ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’ in the upper 8 chapters but lead to the following research achievements: Firstly, ‘The Doctrine of Jing-Qi’ is the hinge between Taoism’s Qi and ‘The Vitality Theory’(元氣論)in the Han Dynasty. Secondly, regarding the development of Huang-Lao School(黃老學派), to follow the political thoughts of Wu-Wei(無為)had built the philosophic scope.


