  • 學位論文


The Power Distribution and Power Interaction between Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin(11.2003–9.2004)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮(Guo-Zhan Li)


在共產國家裡,政治領袖權力的轉移往往會造成激烈的政治鬥爭,有想到整個國家的安定。而中共由於沒有一套有效性的領袖選拔機制,加上權力接班的過程具高度人治色彩、非制度化和不確定性,因此,中共的權力交接充滿坎坷與挑戰 2002年中共召開「十六大」黨代表大會,完成了第四代領導班子的權力交接,被視作是中共首次以至度化的方式和平轉移政權的重大表現,由此進入了胡錦濤為中心的集體領導時期 但儘管胡錦濤已接任中共中央總書記職務,但中央軍委會主席仍是由前領導人江澤民擔任,胡錦濤擁有政權、黨權,卻無軍權,對於權力接班時所遭逢的挑戰以及權力的分配,如何展現出的高度正至技巧,運用策略進而順利完成政治之繼承為全篇研究重點 本篇研究分為五個章節,首章為緒論,第二章就中共政治體制分析,從江澤民於中共十六大接班給胡錦濤之過程,第三章為胡錦濤接任初期政權鞏固所面臨的挑戰及問題做分析,並分析這過程中與江澤民這位中央軍委會主席的權力互動,第四章則是江澤民交出軍權後,擁有政權及軍權的胡錦濤在領導路上所做出的改變,以及卸任前夕是否與江澤民一樣,先教黨權、政權後至軍權,第五章結論既以前四章為基礎,歸納研究發現和後續研究之方向


In communist countries, the power transfer of political leadership often leads to fierce political battles affecting the overall stability of the country. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has no effective mechanism for leadership selection. The process of power succession is highly personal in nature, is non-institutionalized, and involves great uncertainty. Thus, the CPC transition of power has often been filled with frustrations and challenges. In 2002, the CPC held the 16th National Congress, which completed the fourth generation of leadership handover. This was regarded as a major display of an institutionalized, peaceful power transfer marking the start of collective leadership with Hu Jintao as the center. However, despite Hu Jintao taking over as the General Secretary of the CPC, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission was still the former CPC leader, Jiang Zemin. Therefore, Hu Jintao had regime and party power, but no military power. The main research focus of this article is on the challenges and power distribution during the transition of power, as well as the display of adept political skills and strategy implementation to smoothly complete the political succession. This research article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the topic. The second chapter analyzes the CPC political system regarding the transition from Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao during the 16th National Congress. The third chapter evaluates the challenges and issues faced by Hu Jintao during the early stages of regime consolidation, as well as the power interactions with Jiang Zemin as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. The fourth chapter discusses the period after the handover of military power by Jiang Zemin and the changes made by Hu Jintao, who now possessed both political and military power. In addition, the chapter explores whether Hu Jintao followed the example of Jiang Zemin before stepping down by first handing over regime and party power, followed by military power. The fifth chapter summarizes the first four chapters, and proposes future research directions based on the research findings.


Power transfer Power handover Hu Jintao Jiang Zemin


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