  • 學位論文


Effect and Influence of Mainland China Tourists to Visit Taiwan –As for Economic Aspect

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生


我國與中國大陸原是同源同種,在歷史、語言與文化上均有相當程度的相同,從1949年以後,因內戰而隔海分立分治,雙方因政治因素一直處於敵對、互不往來的僵冷局面,直到我國在1987 年開始開放民眾大陸探親,才有了正式的接觸。雖然只是單向且小規模的開放,但為兩岸長久分立的狀態,開啟了兩岸交流歷史上的一大步。我國於2002年1月1日試辦開放陸客來臺,正式從單向開放演變成雙向往來,開放陸客來臺觀光一直是兩岸政府間積極討論並想完成的一項的工作與議題,2008年6月13日海基、海協兩會在北京恢復對談,兩會順利簽訂「海峽兩岸包機會談紀要」及「海峽兩岸關於大陸居民赴臺灣旅遊協議」兩項協議,2008年7月4日首批大陸人士以觀光客的身份來臺觀光,更在2011年6月底開放陸客來臺自由行。 政府開放陸客來臺,從團進團出至自由行,對於臺灣的觀光休閒旅遊業及國人的休閒生活,已經開始產生多元的影響與衝擊。在球化的影響下,中國大陸從2001年正式開放出境旅遊至今,短短的12年內已經從觀光的「輸入國」轉變為「輸出國」,聯合國世界旅遊組織近日發布2014年旅遊景氣報告。報告顯示,自2012年開始,中國一直保持世界最大出境旅遊市場的地位。中國大陸隨著經濟崛起,大陸人民對生活品質與娛樂休閒的需求大幅提升,境外旅遊成了大陸一股不可抑制的趨勢,全世界各國無不積極爭取中國大陸人民前往該國旅遊,我國也不例外。政府將觀光產業列為六大新興產業之一,觀光局更積極推動「觀光拔尖領航方案」 ,除持續提升臺灣觀光品質形象,更努力建構質量並進的觀光環境,希望能奠定觀光產業從量變到質變的基礎,達到擴大觀光服務輸出的目的。 大陸民眾對於臺灣有著一份特殊的情感與憧憬,臺灣更是許多大陸民眾旅遊首選。本文從兩岸開放陸客來台觀光的演進開始探討,針對大陸觀光客來臺之相關政策、管理措施及其他事宜,包括事前申請審核、在臺期間有效管理、確保接待品質以及針對開放陸客來臺觀光在經濟與產業上所帶來的的正面效益及負面影響,深入作一研究與探討。


Taiwan and Mainland China share considerable similarities historically, linguistically and culturally. However, since 1949 due to divided governance resulting from the civil war across the Taiwan Strait, two sides have been in politically hostile and detached stalemate. The situation has not changed until the people of Taiwan were allowed to visit relatives in Mainland China in 1987. Being merely unilateral and small-scale openness, it launched a historically big step forward for two sides’ exchange. On January 1st 2002, Taiwan attempted to consent to a visit of Chinese tourists officially from unilateral openness to bilateral exchange. To open Mainland China visitors has been a task and issue that cross-strait governments actively discuss and want to accomplish. On June 13 rd 2008, Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) resumed dialogue in Beijing and smoothly signed SEF-ARATS Minutes of Talks on Cross-Strait Charter Flights and Cross-Strait Agreement signed between SEF AND ARATS Concerning Mainland China Tourists Traveling to Taiwan. On July 4th 2008, the first group of Mainland China visitors came to Taiwan as tourists and at the end of June 2011, free independent travel (FIT)for Mainland China tourists was launched. From tour groups to FIT, Mainland China tourists visiting Taiwan has resulted in multiple influence and impacts toward Taiwan’s tourism and leisure industry and Taiwanese’ leisure life. Under the influence of globalization, since Mainland China formally opened to travel abroad in 2001, within 13 years, it has transferred from state of import to state of export in tourism industry. The recent 2014 tourism report by World。 Tourism Organization indicated that Mainland China has maintained the position of the largest exporting travel market since 2012. As economy rises, people of China massively demand quality of life and recreation and leisure. Overseas travel has become irresistible trend. Countries around the world including Taiwan positively ask people of China to visit their tourist spots. Government lists tourism industry as one of the six newly emerging industries. Tourism Bureau actively promotes Project Vanguard For Excellence In Tourism for keeping enhancing the image of quality of Taiwan’s tourism , constructing tourism environment in both quality and quantity, hoping to lay the foundation for tourism industry from quantity change to quality change and reaching the goal of expanding export of tourism service. People of China have special emotion and expectation for Taiwan, a top priority in terms of travel. This thesis explores relevant policies, management measures and other issues including preview of applications, effective management, guarantee of reception quality and studies and explores in depth positive benefits and negative impacts after cross-strait governments opened Mainland China tourists to visit Taiwan.


6 . 魏子翔,開放中國大陸居民來臺觀光對臺灣的影響與效益分析(臺北:淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2011年6月)。
5 . 廖俊翔,開放大陸人民來臺觀光對臺灣政治經濟影響之研究 (臺北:淡江大學大陸研究所碩士論文,2011年6月)。
4 . 荊少安,開放陸客來臺管理機制及其成效之分析(臺北:淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文,2012年6月)。
15 . 財團法人國家政策研究基金會 http://www.npf.org.tw/。
2 . 王淑美、溫蓓章,「開放陸客來臺旅遊經濟效益分析」,遠景基金會季刊(臺北),第 11 卷,第3 期,2010 年 7月。
