  • 學位論文


A Study of Performance Appraisal Interview in Government

指導教授 : 黃一峯


行政機關良好的績效管理,才會讓公務員知道自己的實際工作績效,也讓機關的工作效率提升。目前我國公務人員考績法修正草案中提出加入考績面談的作法,考績面談配合平時考核舉行,讓主管與部屬能夠增加溝通,即時知道自己的工作狀況,找出解決方法加以改善。因此,公務人員對考績面談的態度及方案設計是現今的重要課題。 本研究共可分為五章,第一章緒論,說明研究動機、目的、問題、流程、範圍;第二章文獻探討,探討考績制度、各國與我國行政機關之面談、互動正義;第三章研究設計,說明深度訪談之設計,對企業主管、一般同仁、主管長官、學者專家等4類人員進行探度訪談,進而得知其對考績制度、考績面談、互動正義之看法;第四章研究結果分析,對訪談內容進行比較分析;第五章結論,提出研究之發現及建議。 綜合以上研究結果,得知公務人員對考績制度、考績面談、互動正義之認知,經本研究分析後,從觀念面、制度面及行銷面提出建議,希冀能提供人事主管機關參考。


Excellent government manager will make civil servants to know their actual level of performance so that they can improve the efficiency of institutions. Now, A proposed reform to the Civil Service Performance Appraisal Act would require the appraisal interview during the performance evaluation process. The performance appraisal interviews will hold with the general evaluation, so that to increase communication between supervisors (raters) and subordinates (ratees). Subordinates can instantly know their performance, and try to look for solutions to improve. Therefore, the attitude of the performance appraisal interview and interview process design turn to be an important research topic.   There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is an introduction that explains the motive, purpose, problem, process, scope. The second chapter is literature review to explore the performance appraisal system, the performance appraisal interview of different countries, interactive justice. The third chapter is research design that contains design of In-depth interview with business executives, the civil servants, government officers, scholars to,understand their preception toward performance appraisal and interviews. The fourth chapter is analysis of results of the interview. The fifth chapter is the conclusion and policy recommendation. Based on the above findings, the points of view from the civil servants and scholars were explored and policy proposals were recommended for the personnel authorities.


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