  • 學位論文


On the Practice Implications of Prediction in Future Studies

指導教授 : 林遠澤




Before addressing the main topic, we have to turn to prediction itself. Three primary characteristics of prediction are analyzed in due sequence, from top to bottom: its standards of definition, its research method or technique and precision, and its time aspect as forming condition. Karl Popper's critical stance toward prediction is adduced to probe the causes behind predictive inaccuracies. Two different dimensions present themselves in order: the predictive action and the human agent. Considered together, these two factors give rise to a fundamental problem: why does human race, throughout its long history, continue to engage in predicative activities, which never yield absolute calculations? Heidegger's theory of being is introduced at this juncture to explicate the intimate relationship between human predicative behavior and its time aspect. The inaccuracy issue dissolved of its own accord because it is found that what humans really desire in prediction is to perform the ritual: the ultimate affirmation of their own existence. The final part takes on the practice implications of prediction. Hans Jonas's discourse on responsibility is employed to explore the ramifications of prediction in the context of modern science and technology, with their precarious achievement in human hands. The conclusion is as follows: human are and should be responsible for the future despite its overwhelming obscurity. The highest synthesis is attained when the personal realm of one's own being is extended into the realm of the Lebenwelt. Ridded of an unknowable and precarious future, the human race are instead proffered a brand new destiny to create and shape an entirely different future which is properly its own this time.


prediction time aspect being Karl Popper Heidegger Hans Jonas


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2004 《未來學導論:歷史、目的與知識》(Foundations of Futures Studies: History, Purposes, and Knowledge),臺北:學富文化。
耶律亞德(Eliade, Mircea)著,楊儒賓譯
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1999 《這個不科學的年代》(The Meaning of It All :Thoughts of a Citizen- Scientist ),臺北:天下遠見出版社。
