  • 學位論文


Bai Xianyong’s Concept and Writing of Modern Fiction

指導教授 : 張雙英


白先勇的小說作品題材多變、人物豐富,除了具有中國文化之傳統薰陶外,又能融合西方的文學理論作為創作基礎。   其小說的創作歷程,是隨著生活境遇、人物關懷和創作技巧等因素所變化的,因此本論文在章節分配上,從生命歷程為主軸,區分成「白先勇創作的發展趨向」、「白先勇小說的主題題材」、「白先勇小說的人物描摹」和「白先勇小說的表現技巧與西方文學理論」為主要的重點。   在龐大的文本中,值得我們注意的有三點。首先,是白先勇對於追逐「慾望」的反思,這是白先勇貫徹始終的主題論點。從早期對人物內心追求慾望的描述,到赴美後《臺北人》、《紐約客》對家鄉和身分的追逐,並在之後深化到人普遍內心價值的追索。第二點,許多在前人研究中,被歸類為「同性戀題材」的作品,實際上是以「符號化」的方式,描述對「過往回憶」的追求。   第三點,是白先勇的傳統與現代性,雖然本論文一再強調西方現代文學理論對白先勇的影響,但不可否認的是白先勇仍抱持著傳統,甚至到後來回歸傳統性的思考。白先勇向來不承認自身學習西方現代文學理論的事實,但從他創辦《現代文學》到赴美後進入作家工作室,反映到其作品中的文本上,這一點仍是值得探究的部分。   白先勇作品真正引人入勝的部分,除了主題題材和創作技巧,最重要的部分還有對人物的關懷。白先勇不僅能夠意識到「人」存在的憂鬱和孤獨,更表現出「人」面對自身處境的荒謬和疏離,以悲劇的形式呈現人物的內心變化。   以此幾點來看,本論文雖然仍以傳統的寫作方式,將生命歷程作為主軸,但把文本的重點部分,分別而論之。試圖以此互相參照的立體面,使白先勇的小說作品,能得到更深入、更客觀確實的評價。   其創作背景與生涯歷程是相當豐富的,但許多研究者都過於聚焦其「同性傾向」、「情慾書寫」及「國族意識」,而沒有真正詳究到白先勇在其創作的理論基礎與「文本」分析,本論文不僅深入文本,更全面客觀的對白先勇的小說作品,及其中產生的創作意識,進行有效的研究。


白先勇 小說 現代主義 台北人


Bai Xianyong is a pioneer of Modernist Literature in Taiwan. He was created a magazine with NTU's classmate in 1960s, named “The Modern Literature”. Bai Xianyong not only has a Modernism, but also has traditional of Chinese Literature. That’s the reason why his fiction has a unique style in Taiwan’s literary. He notices the “human”, and desires to pursue the process of people. If we can understand the premise, we will know the research value of Bai Xianyong and his fiction.   In fact, about the research of Bai Xianyong’s fiction, more concentrated on homosexuality and identity. That’s not objective. This dissertation according Bai Xianyong’s life course to reference, and divided into three sections focusing: Character, Theme and Literary theory. The first chapter is “Introduction”, talk about the research reason and expected results. The second chapter is his life course and the development trends. This chapter’s would let we know the relationship about Bai Xianyong’s fiction and his life. The three chapter be into the “Text” and focus on the “Theme” of the fiction. The four and five chapter is into the “Text”, too. The point about “Character” and “Literary theory” two parts. The final chapter is this dissertation’s conclusion.   The research not only follows Bai Xianyong’s life course, but also segmentation fiction's fundamental element to understand his value. This method will make research more dimensional. It is noteworthy that Bai Xianyong’s fiction theme of homosexuality. He using of homosexual characters or homosexual’s story, that has the nature of a homosexual. In fact, Bai Xianyong using of homosexual be a “Symbol”, the means to care on behalf of the underlying character and underlying social, like “Taipei People”, “New Yorker”. He good use of figures to express the situation. From the literary traditional, Bai Xianyong was the impact of traditional Chinese fiction, such as “Dream of the Red Chamber”, “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” and the writer Eileen Chang, too. Bai Xianyong recent work put into name of a class of tunes originating in Kunshan, and writing his father: Bai Chongxi's (a man of China's General) autobiography. Bai Xianyong has combined the traditional and the modern literary skills, so his work has some of the times. In focusing on the care of people, but will not lose its value over time, quite commendable.   For Bai Xianyong fiction’s comprehensive, this research would give him an objective evaluation. The Bai Xianyong is a famous Literature and Doctor now, but many research just focused on his “homosexual”, “National identity” and “Taipei People” three ways. This research want give Bai Xianyong a objective evaluation, and comprehensive understand in the literature on the contribution. It is the main purpose of dissertation.


Bai Xianyong Fiction Concept




