  • 學位論文


Literature Study of Woodblock Printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


吾人於廿一世紀,能享「風簷展書讀,古道照顏色」之趣,以書的媒介穿越時空限制與古今中外芸芸眾心觀照,效習嚮往至聖孔子「志於道、據於德、依於仁、遊於藝」之期許,飲水思水之源,雕版印刷術的發明與應用,實為豐盛人類文明的重要功臣。 尤以現今世界驟變,物質科技駕馭文明藝術之時,最早創發文字之蘇美人、曾創金字塔建築奇觀之埃及文化、馬雅文化,都因民族之爭戰而消失於歷史之中,吾輩後人思及唐五代先民歷經安史之亂、軍人割裂政權之時代,卻仍能重文敬書,發展出雕版印刷術以傳播延續中華文化於世界各地,「重視雕版印刷術」,實為後代民族子孫惜愛故有文明之省思與表現。 本論文以「唐五代雕版印刷文獻研究」為題,首章緒論先敘明研究的動機與預期的研究成果,第二章則分析雕版印刷術的產生發展為融合時代、文化、技術等三大背景,歷中華文化千餘年長期醞釀而生,第三章第四章分別蒐集整理諸專家學者對唐、五代雕版印刷術的史料文獻及對傳統實物的考證,憑之以觀察雕版印刷術在唐五代的應用範圍,及與當時社會文化互為影響的發展概勢,第五章則承續前文的資料,條例詮釋唐五代雕版印刷文獻的特色並於第六章將唐五代雕版印刷術對後代的影響作一結論。 限於現存之唐五代雕板印刷傳統實物文獻散布收藏於世界各地博物館而無法親見,筆者僅能藉蒐集前代及今世專家學者的研究來完成本論文之議題。期許未來能繼續蒐集流散各國之唐五代雕版實物資料,並期待能有更多實物被發現公布,讓唐五代先人戮力於雕版印刷術產發之過程,能更為我們後人所瞭解並傳承發揚。 關鍵詞:五代;唐;雕版印刷術


五代 雕版印刷術


In the 21st Century, our people can enjoy ‘reading a book indoors and finding the great light of the ancient times shining on my face’, break the constraints of time and space and contact various foreign and domestic great writers of all times by reading books and learn with great scholar Confucius’ expectations of ‘keeping Tao (road or way) in mind, acting in accordance with De (virtue or morals), behaving on the basis of Ren (benevolence or humanity) and acquiring many Yi (arts or techniques). By drinking water and thinking the water source, we will realise the invention and application of woodblock printing plays a very important role in the great development of human civilization. Especially, in this modern time, there are great changes because material technology controls and rules civilizations and arts. While the other ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians who were first creators of words, the Egyptian culture who were creators of pyramid building, and the Mayan culture, had all disappeared from history due to the battles between nations, we think about our ancestors of the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties and find they still valued culture and respected books and created woodblock printing, even during the period of An - Shih Rebellion and fragmented regime caused by soldiers, to preserve and spread Chinese culture all over the world. It shows that ‘attaching importance to woodblock printing’ is the descendants and offsprings’s reflection and performance of valuing and cherishing old civilization. The theme of this study is ‘Literature Study of Woodblock Printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties’. Chapter 1 is the introduction to state the motivation and the expected results of this study. Chapter 2 is to analyze the background of time, culture and techniques in which woodblock printing was created and developed, that is, it was born over a thousand years of long brewing process of Chinese culture. Chapter 3 and 4 are the collection and collation of the historical documents of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties done by various experts and scholars as well as the traditional researches of authentic documents. And, on the basis of these materials, it is to observe the application range of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties and the overview of the interaction development between this technique and the society and culture at that time. Chapter 5 is to specify and interpret, on the basis of the documents in the preceding paragraphs, the characteristics of the documents of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of the influence of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties on later generations. Because the existing authentic documents of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties are collected in the great museums all over the world, the writer of this paper can’t see all these documents personally so that this paper is developed and accomplished on the basis of the researches of the experts and scholars in former times and our time. It is expected that the authentic documents of woodblock printing in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties can be gradually collected together from all over the world and more authentic documents can be found and announced so that the process in which our ancestors in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties had made great efforts to create and develop woodblock printing can be better understood, preserved and promoted by the future generations.


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