  • 學位論文


A Study on the Change of Information Environment and the Formation of Information Power: as well on PRC' s Information Power

指導教授 : 施正權


從1991年網際網路開始逐漸廣布在世界的每個角落,人類進入了一個別於過去農業時代、工業時代的全新結構的社會。由於資訊科技的發達、微電腦技術的普及,「資訊化」一詞逐漸被誤認等同「電腦化」。在資訊本質被誤解的情形之下,自然無法對於「資訊」這個因素如何影響我們的社會、國家有正確的認知與理解。更無法正確得知資訊如何透過各種投射的方式在我們的生活中展現出來。 因此,本論文將資訊的概念藉由對於整體資訊環境的變遷的分析,建構所謂的「資訊力」及「資訊權力」。根據本論文研究,網際網路及微電腦技術的確對於「資訊力」與「資訊權力」有著顯著的影響。但有許多層面的現象是無法以所謂的「數量化」去衡量與評估的。 同樣的,在傳統國際政治的分析中,政治、社會、經濟、軍事、文化等要素是評估一國能力的重要指標。資訊社會的發達,讓資訊要素也成為一項不可或缺的國力評估要素。但事實上,資訊技術的專業知識除了具有該項高度技術的專業人士之外,一般政治相關領域學者並不容易瞭解資訊技術的真正意涵。因此本論文是偏向於透過技術的分析,釐清所謂「資訊力」與「資訊權力」意涵。 研究發現,美國現在掌握資訊技術的地位以及在塑造「吸引他國以取得好感」的能力均遠在其他國家之上。當中共深知在其本身不論是資訊技術掌握以及博取他國好感能力皆不如美國的情形之下,如何藉由掌握「資訊權力」的方式,用來與美國民間企業甚至是美國政府單位對話的籌碼,是一個值得討論的方向。


With the spread of the Internet all over the world in 1991, human history stepped into a whole new era, one totally different from the agricultural society and the industrial society. Due to the development of the information technology as well as the popularization of the microcomputer technology, the term “informationization” has been gradually misunderstood as “computerization.” Since the very essential definition of “information” was misinterpreted, it was unlikely for people to correctly realize the influence of “information” upon the society and the states, not to mention to recognize information showed with various ways in our lives. Therefore, by analyzing the changes of the information environment, this study identified “information capability” and “information power” under the concept of “information.” This study discovered that the Internet and the microcomputer technology remarkably affected “information capability” and “information power.” Yet, a lot of cases cannot be evaluated by so called “quantification.” In traditional international politics, while analyzing “national capability,” politics, society, economy, military and culture are the major indexes. With the development of the information society, “information” has become an indispensable factor for the evaluation of national capability. However, except the information technology professionals, it is not easy for political scholars to fully understand what “information technology” is about. In this regard, this study focused on the analysis of the “technology” and distinguished “information capability” from “information power.” This study found out that America’s domination over the information technology and its ability to “make a good impression” are much better than other states. For China, under this circumstance, how to use “information power” as the bargaining chip to engage with American civil enterprises or American Administration is a constructive issue.


曼威.科司特(Manual Castells),夏鑄九等譯。《網路社會之崛起》。台北:唐山譯叢,1998年4月。


