  • 學位論文


The Influence of Customer’s Cognition to the Product Design and Product Mix on Customer’s Trust and Satisfaction in Life Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 王居卿
共同指導教授 : 文馨瑩(Hsing-Yin Wen)


保險為使用價值很特殊的無形服務商品。本研究乃探討如何透過關係行銷降低顧客對保險商品的風險疑慮與不確定因素,並綜合學者之建議加以衍生,以壽險保單商品設計與組合之特性為干擾變數,探討其對關係行銷與關係品質間所產生之影響。 本研究從文獻探討開始著手,根據其理論基礎建立本研究之架構與假設,研究母體以國內有投保民眾為對象,對回收的有效樣本681份資料,經實證分析和討論獲致下列重要結論: 1、關係銷售行為之「互動強度傾向」對顧客信任及顧客滿意有顯著正向影響 2、個人特質相似性對顧客滿意有顯著正向影響 3、服務品質對顧客信任及顧客滿意有顯著正向影響 4、公司形象對顧客信任及顧客滿意有顯著正向影響 5、保單商品設計與組合之「有用性程度」對顧客信任與顧客滿意有顯著正向影響 6、保單商品設計與組合之「創新性程度」在關係行銷各構面對顧客滿意的影響上有顯著負向干擾效果 7、保單商品設計與組合之「有用性程度」在關係行銷各構面對顧客信任的影響上有部分顯著正向調節作用 8、直接影響「顧客信任」的主要因素,依係數高低依序為「顧客認知的服務品質」、「關係銷售行為—互動強度傾向」、及「公司形形象」 9、直接影響「顧客滿意」的主要因素,依係數高低依序為「關係銷售行為—互動強度傾向」、「顧客認知的服務品質」、「公司形象」、「保單商品設計與組合特性—有性用」、及「個人特質相似性」


The insurance is the invisible service commodity with very special use value. There are two major objectives in this study: (1) to discuss how to reduce the degree of risk, uncertainty, and/or doubt of lack of knowledge or information of customer through relation marketing, and (2) to explore the interactive effects among the product design and mix of life insurance, relationship marketing, and relationship quality, to understand how the product design and mix of life insurance interfere the Relationship between relationship marketing and relationship quality. The samples derived from the people who have the use experience of the insurance in Taiwan. There are 681 valid questionnaires were analyzed, and some important research findings are as below: 1.The factor “interaction intensity” of relational selling behaviors has significant positive influence on customer’s trust and customer’s satisfaction. 2.“Similarity” has significant positive influence on customer’s satisfaction. 3.“Customer’s cognition of service quality” has significant positive influence on customer’s trust and customer’s satisfaction. 4.“Corporate image” has significant positive influence on customer’s trust and customer’s satisfaction. 5.The factor “usability” of the design and mix of insurance goods of life insurance has significant positive interfere the relationship between relationship marketing and relationship quality. 6.The factor “creativity” of the design and mix of insurance goods of life insurance interferes significantly the relationship between relationship marketing and customer’s satisfaction. 7.The factor “usability” of the design and mix of insurance goods of life insurance interferes significantly the relationship between relationship marketing and customer’s trust. 8.Depend on coefficient level in order, the factors that have direct effects on customer’s trust are: “Customer’s cognition of service quality”, “interaction intensity” of relational selling behaviors”, and “corporate image”. 9.Depend on coefficient level in order, the factors that have direct effects on customer’s satisfaction are: “interaction intensity” of relational selling behaviors”, “Customer’s cognition of service quality”, “corporate image”, “usability” of the design and mix of insurance goods of life insurance, and “similarity”.




陳孝瑋(2013)。知識管理對金融業新產品績效之影響 -以顧客信任與產品特性為干擾變數〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00713
