  • 學位論文


The Study of Lu Bi-Cheng

指導教授 : 顏崑陽


《呂碧城研究》旨在論述清末民初著名女詞人呂碧城的生平及其文學成就,以及她在女學、佛學領域的具體作為和思想。 呂碧城生長在時代巨變不斷的晚清,出身書香家庭,受到良好的教育,加上因緣際會,讓她成為《大公報》第一位女編輯、第一所官辦大學的校長、知名度極高的作家。本論文前有緒論,後有結語,第二章探討呂碧城的生命歷程,依時間序將其傳奇的一生分期述評,探究其生命轉折的多重面相;第三章就其文學創作的類型:詞、詩、記遊散文的表現,析論內容和特色,並述時人對她的文學之評價;第四章針對她在近代婦女運動中的位置、言論、主張、興辦北洋女子公學的具體作為,並論及她和當時女界的互動情況,從中貫穿近代婦女運動在興學、傳播、革命等行動上的樣貌;第五章則析論她由摩登名媛轉變成近代佛教史上著名女居士的過程,以及她有關「戒殺護生」的主張,並論及她對淨土的追尋和質疑。 本論文在時間上從呂碧城的出生至其往生;在空間上從天津到歐美;在思想上涵括她在文學、女學、佛學上的層面,意圖呈現呂碧城較為全面的文學與思想。


"The Study of Lu Bi-Cheng " explores the life and literary achievements of the famous Qing Dynasty female poet, Lu Bi-Cheng, and her thoughts and accomplishments around feminist study and Buddhism. Lu Bi-Cheng grew up in the ever changing late Qing era, born into a scholarly family and well educated, partnered with great life opportunities, she became the first female editor of "Ta Kung Pao", the first government-run university's president, and a high profile writer. This thesis opens with an Introduction, and closes with a Summary. The second chapter dives into Lu Bi-Cheng's life journeys, taking a look at her legendary life in chronological order, and investigating the life changing events and its effects. The third chapter discusses her literature forms: classical Chinese verse, poetry, and travel journals. Analyzing each of the form's contents and uniqueness, and the reviews she received on her literature at the time. The fourth chapter focuses on her historical place, advocacy, and stance during modern feminism movements, including the founding of Beiyang Female Academy. Also discussed are her relationships with the feminist community at the time, using that as an anchor to provide insight into modern feminism movements in the areas of: female education advocacy, mass media, and revolution. The fifth chapter details out her transition from modern socialite to famous female scholar in recent Buddhism studies, her "pro-life" advocacy, and her quest and doubt for pure land. This thesis covers from a timing perspective Lu Bi-Cheng's birth till death; From a land perspective it covers Tianjin to Europe; From a thoughts perspective it covers her views on literature, feminist study, and Buddhism, with the goal to present a holistic view of Lu Bi-Cheng's literature and thought.





