  • 學位論文

中國大陸觀光客來台對新北市之影響【2008 -2013】

Study on the Effect of New Taipei City, Chinese mainland tourists to Taiwan【2008-2013】

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


本研究旨在探討兩岸從2008年7月4日開放第一批中國大陸旅客(第一類)來臺觀光,陸客人數即逐漸增加。根據觀光局統計資料顯示,2010年第一季陸客來臺人數超過日本旅客,成為當季境外旅客的第一大來源地。伴隨陸客數量的激增及其旅遊模式,使國人對於陸客來臺所造成的效益有諸多的評價與期待,不同的單位間對於陸客來臺的經濟效益都有不同的宣稱與期待。 目前對中國大陸觀光客研究的議題,主要為旅遊意象、旅遊動機、旅遊滿意度及遊程規畫等旅遊行為研究,少數及於社會文化與政治層面,完全缺乏中國大陸旅客對臺灣旅遊經濟影響的相關研究。有鑑於陸客之於臺灣總體入境旅遊市場的比重增加,國人對於陸客經濟效益的多元揣測,以及目前國內外學術界都尚未對於中國入境旅客對臺灣總體經濟的影響進行實證研究之際,本文擬以投入產出分析的研究方法,以嚴謹的學術研究方法配合官方資料推估開放陸客來臺迄今的經濟效益總量及影響的產業類別。 基於上述,本研究探討從2008年7月4日開始,開放大陸觀光客「直航」來台之前後對台灣的經濟以及觀光相關產業的影響,具體而言,本研究之目的如下: (一)了解台灣觀光產業目前現況及待改進的措施。 (二)台灣相關業者對大陸觀光客來台的看法及過程。 (三)針對大陸觀光客來台分析新北市相關產業因應措施。 (四)觀光客來台灣對新北市的具體貢獻。


This study aimed to explore the strait from July 4, 2008 opening of the first Chinese mainland visitors (first class) to Taiwan for sightseeing, the land that is gradually increasing the number of guests. According to Tourism Bureau statistics show that the first quarter of 2010, the number of mainland tourists to Taiwan more than Japanese tourists, foreign travelers to become the season's first major source. With the surge in the number of mainland tourists and their travel patterns, so people for mainland tourists to Taiwan has many benefits resulting from the evaluation and expectations among different units for mainland tourists to Taiwan's economic claims and has different expectations. Current issue of the Chinese mainland tourists studies, mainly for tourism image, travel motivation, tourist satisfaction and run planning and other travel behavior research, minority and social cultural and political level, a complete lack of Chinese mainland tourists impact on Taiwan's tourism economy related research. In view of the increase in the proportion of mainland tourists in Taiwan's overall inbound tourism market, Chinese mainland tourists for diverse economic speculation, as well as academics at home and abroad have yet to impact Chinese arrivals to Taiwan's overall economic empirical research on the occasion, the paper intended to be input-output analysis research methods to meet rigorous academic research methods to estimate the opening of official information mainland tourists to Taiwan to date total economic impact of the industry and category. Based on the above, this study discussed from July 4, 2008 began allowing mainland tourists "direct" impact on Taiwan's economy and tourism related industries before coming to Taiwan, specifically, the purpose of this study are as follows: (A) understand the current situation and the measures to be improved tourism industry in Taiwan. (B) the relevant industry in Taiwan for mainland tourists to visit Taiwan and the process of perception. (C) for the analysis of mainland tourists to Taiwan New Taipei related industries workaround. (D) tourists to Taiwan's specific contribution to the New Taipei City.


