  • 學位論文

半導體通路商經營策略之研究- 以A公司在台灣市場為例

The Reseach of Semiconductor Distributor Business Strategy–A Case Study of A Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林江峰


隨著市場需求瞬息萬變、科技技術不斷變革、面對競爭激烈,下游終端系統製造商為降低庫存風險及製造成本將捨直接向原廠購料而選擇以協助客戶降低採購成本、庫存管理與倉儲配送、多元化的產品線、電子化程度高,財務健全,同時提供完整的解決方案與設計技術服務,海外支援據點多的通路商來做搭配。近年來,通路商面臨受到毛利不斷下滑,半導體通路商未來發展應如何訂定經營模式,以提昇競爭優勢與維持獲利能力? 本研究以A全球通路商在台灣市場作為研究個案,藉由國內外學者相關文獻的蒐集為第一手資料,經由個案公司訪談得到次級資料作分析。首先,透過五力分析探討半導體產業結構特性與供應鏈及半導體通路商經營型態與產業概況。第二,經由SWOT分析,進行對個案公司在半導體通路商產業所處的競爭環境作內部環境優勢與劣勢的分析,並評估外部環境機會與威脅的因素,檢視個案公司現行之競爭優勢。最後,藉由個案公司之分析並提出半導體通路商經營策略。 本研究的結果,關鍵的經營策略分為二大類極大化與限制化。其主要因素包含營運費用對可控制與不可控制或者固定與非固定費用的管理;限縮信用額度以減短應收款款天數;與供應商延長應付款天數;創造差異化價值;強化市場與客戶區隔;注重高毛率成長並且提供完整設計解決方案以提昇附加價值;擴大規模併購產業,增加市場占有率。


With the rapid technology change and market demand, end manufactures would choose to do business with distributors instead of IC suppliers. The key factors are semiconductor distributors with healthy finaning enable to reduce procurement costs and risk with product sourcing management and to offer supply chain efficiency and product availability with breadth of lines cards. In order to differentiate the value from other competitors, distributors bring technology total solutions and design services in the broad, local geographical presence for their service. For the past years, distributors have been facing gross profit challenge. How can semiconductor distributors manage their business strategy to survive in adversity with profitable growth and to gain competive advantages? This research is based on A global distributor to focus on Taiwan semiconductortor market business strategy as a case study and analyze through academic research with primary and secondary data collection from interview. First of all, we applied Porter’s Five Forces Analysis to understand semiconductor industry structure, market situation and its future trends. Second, we applied SWOT analysis to evaluate individual company’s existing competitive advantages, and then take this basis from the theory of intermediary selection factors to evaluate its external opportunity and threat and internal strengthes and weakness. Finally, we analyzed interview data to confirm key factors for successful marketing strategy. From the result of this research, key factors of constraints and maxizie include the following items. OPEX management is to analyze controllable/uncontrollable or fixed/variable/mixed OPEX. Inventory is to manange by turn. DSO/DPO Management is to tighten credit policy to reduce DSO and continue and negotiate with suppliers to extend payment terms. Create differentiated value proposition and enhance market segmentation. Focus on high margin business and drive solution development. Enlarge and gain market share through M&A.


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