  • 學位論文


The Study of Transformations and Developments of Liao Tian-ding Legendary Tales

指導教授 : 馬銘浩


廖添丁藉著挑戰日本殖民政府威權,以及新聞的傳播,在台灣人心中留下勇者的形象,因而成為知名的歷史人物。在廖添丁死後,他的事蹟不斷地被傳頌及改編,直至今日。 本論文的目標是探討廖添丁傳說在不同故事主題裡的發展狀況。本文將使用官方檔案、前人研究、新聞報導,以及廖添丁傳說的文學作品來輔助筆者的觀點。部分廖添丁研究學者認為,在百年傳承後,廖添丁傳說已經沒有任何發展潛力,筆者對此有不同的結論:廖添丁傳說仍有發展的可能性。 筆者的論述共可分為六章:第一章為緒論,包含研究動機、文獻回顧及研究方法。第二章是官方文獻及歷史資料的介紹。第三章到第五章,分別依照不同的故事主題來分析廖添丁傳說的發展狀況。三個章節分別代表廖添丁傳說中最常見的三個故事主題:廖添丁的抗日傳說、廖添丁的情義傳說,以及廖添丁的神話傳說。三個主題分別以日治(1909-1945)、戰後(1945-1987)及解嚴後(1987-迄今)三個時間點來觀察其變化。筆者將根據不同主題,引用及分析相關的報紙、小說、歌仔冊,以及民間傳說等書面資料,來分析廖添丁傳說在不同故事主題中的變化情況。第六章為結論,總結筆者考察廖添丁傳說的整體狀況。 最後,基於廖添丁敢於以武犯禁、冒險犯難的精神,筆者相信廖添丁傳說仍有無限的可能性。筆者希望拙作能夠成為廖添丁傳說發展的一根小螺絲釘,讓這個台灣英雄的故事能夠繼續流傳下去。


As a well-known historical figure, who violated the oppressive colonial laws and challenged the authoritarian of Japanese colonizers, Liao Tian-Ding was regarded by Taiwanese as a legendary hero. In Liao’s time, because of journalists’ spread of his stories in newspapers, Liao was regarded as a hero among Taiwanese. Since his death in 1909, Liao’s stories passed from generation to generation, retold and rewrote by numerous writers until the present days. With respect to Liao’s image as a hero in Taiwanese legendary tales, this thesis aims to explore the transformations of Liao’s stories from Japanese colonial period to the present day. Moreover, in order to explicate my viewpoint on the study of Liao’s tales, I use the following sources: Japanese official documentation of Liao’s detailed personal information; scholarly research of Liao’s life events, and legendaries in the twentieth century; newspaper reports in Taiwan Daily Newspaper representing Liao as a cunning criminal, and literary works of Liao’s legendaries. Although the popularity of Liao’s stories and his heroic images in Taiwanese folklore tales maintain for nearly one hundred and a decade, some scholars of Liao tend to regard the study of Liao’s legendaries lack the potential of further development. My argument is that Liao’s legends still with great potential and possibility to its further development in the twenty-first century. My thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter one is an introduction to the following aspects: my motivation to engage in this research, critical receptions, and research method. Chapter two is an overview of my sources centered on official Japanese documentary featuring Liao’s criminal cases and Liao’s life event. The following three chapters — from chapter three to chapter five — focus on three subjects of Liao’s legendaries featuring the development of Liao’s image as a hero in literature. These three subjects are as the follow: legendary tales of Liao’s opposition to Japanese colonizers; stories about Liao’s love life, and adventures representing Liao as an affectionate lover, and a trust-worthy friend, and the canonization of Liao — his power as a deity. In these three chapters, I analyze how written works — newspaper reports and fictions — and oral Taiwanese stories — ballads and folklore stories — transform Liao’s original image as a menacing outlaw into a hero. As a result, this transformation is through three periods: Japanese colonial period (from 1909 - 1945), post-World War II period (from 1945 - 1979), and the present period (from the release of martial law in 1987 to now). In the concluding chapter, I center on discussions of my contribution to the study of Liao’s legendary tales. Inspired by Liao’s stories about his courage to challenge oppressive Japanese colonizers and his adventures, I believe that this Taiwanese folklore hero’s stories will continue. Hopefully, my study will be an aid to this development, and enables Liao’s stories to be everlasting.


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8. 歌仔冊的版本與用字研究──以《台灣義賊新歌廖添丁》、《義賊廖添丁歌》、《台灣歌仔簿義賊廖添丁》為例 黃進旺撰 台南 國立成功大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文 2010年
5. 台灣《廖添丁》劇場研究 陳慧勻撰 台南 國立成功大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文 2004年
2. 日治初期殖民現代性研究─以《台灣日日新報》漢文報衛生論述(1898-1906)為主 李敏忠撰 台南 國立成功大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文 2004年
4. 有關新聞事件之台灣歌仔冊研究 柯榮三撰 台南 國立成功大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文 2004年

