  • 學位論文


The effect of price discount level, creative product names and brand awareness on perceived value and purchase intention- An example of "Gooddrink" beverage shop

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙


在路上常看到人手一杯手搖杯,不管是冬天或是夏天都是取暖、解渴的好良伴,因此本研究以口感創意飲品專賣店為例子,取出決定手搖杯熱賣當中的幾項元素當做研究變數。其中包含了價格折扣的幅度以及商品名稱的創意度,最後再加上品牌知名度一共三種變數來作探討,本研究依據這三項變數來研究一杯飲品是否會讓消費者的知覺價值以及購買意願有所影響。故本研究將「價格折扣幅度」、「商品名稱創意度」、「品牌知名度」設定為自變數,以「開放學習性」的人格特質為干擾變數,衡量消費者對商品的「知覺價值」與「購買意願」是否有顯著性的差異。   本研究以台北某大專院校大學部某系學生為受試者,本研究前測先對價格折扣幅度以及商品名稱創意度先做施測,價格折扣幅度從5項折扣幅度中找出兩個折扣幅度分別是折扣幅度大以及折扣幅度小,而商品名稱創意度則是從16項飲品中選出2項飲品分別是商品名稱創意度高以及商品名稱創意度低,而後將正式問卷設計成兩組,分為兩種價格折扣幅度及兩種品名稱創意度,再將問卷打散,分發於受測者進行實驗,受測者對產品的品牌知名度、知覺價值與購買意願以及受測者本身的人格特質-開放學習性來做問項衡量。   經後續假設驗證,發現消費者面對不同「價格折扣幅度」、「品牌知名度」,其知覺價值、購買意願都有顯著差異,而「開放學習性」在價格折扣幅度大、商品名稱創意度低以及不同的品牌知名度,對知覺價值與購買意願具有干擾效果。


It’s common to see people on the street with cups of drinks. No matter, in summer or winter, these drinks are suitable for getting warm or being refreshed. Therefore, for this research, we have chosen "Gooddrink" beverage shop as our example. Among these drinks, we selected several factors, which are price discount level , creative product names and brand awareness to be the three variables for this study. This study will use these three variables to determine how they influence consumer’s perceived value and purchase intention for a cup of drink. This study searches for substantial differences between consumer’s perceived value and purchase intention of goods. The independent variables are price discount level, creative product names and brand awareness; the moderating variable is openness to experience. The research targeted a specific department students of a certain university in Taipei. This research first focus on price discount level and creative product names. Among five discounted prices we chose two prices regarding the level of the discount. In terms of creative product names we chose two among sixteen regarding the creative level. Then prepared the final questionnaire which has been divided in two different types and were dispersed to testers who determined the price discount level and creative product names, the test focus on brand awareness , perceived value and purchase intention to answer the questions. These questionnaires were edited in a way to also measure the tester openness to experience. These analyses have found that price discount level’s and brand awareness’s influence on consumer’s perceived value and purchase intention is substantially different. The openness to experience influences perceived value and purchase intention only under the situation of high price discount level, less creative product names and distinctive brand awareness.


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