  • 學位論文


The Cultural Power of Kyoto: The New Age from History

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


本稿主要目的在探究近年在台日兩地皆不斷日益興盛的產業——文化創意產業,此產業的崛起以及受到重視的程度是其他產業所萬不可小覷的。在『來談談日本的未來吧!』(著者暫譯)一書中,Tyler Brule表示,日本消費者的消費取向,從崇尚名牌轉為渴望自然簡樸的產品。 日本文化的發源地——京都,這傳承千年的古都不僅保留了許多世界文化遺產,更有許多傳承百年的老店,其中,更難能可貴的是,這些老店不僅繼承了創業者的精神思想(家訓等)與經營理念。多半還從其中發展出了迎合現代消費趨勢的創新,革新構想。   在京都市內鄰近古剎知恩院的東山區,有一間在京都地區非常有人氣及名氣,在海外地區也廣為人知的老店——一澤信三郎帆布(一澤工業股份有限公司) 。這間歷經了家族紛爭,兄弟失和,失去經營權等等危機的老舖,依然擁有許多支持到底的廣大死忠粉絲,其魅力可見一斑。在日本國內得到「日本路易士威登」的美稱,甚至也被其他國家的雜誌新聞等廣為報導。在日本國內及海外都擁有不少支持者,其商品的「故事性(感性行銷)」、「獨特性(創意)」都是非常重要的元素。 在台灣的古都——台南,多年來,一直被視為文化重鎮,並時常和日本的京都相提並論。在這樣的城市——台南,文化創意產業亦是非常興盛。其中,出現了與日本一澤信三郎帆布十分相似的老店——永盛帆布行。永盛帆布行從日據時代至今,亦有八十年左右的歷史。雖然規模不及一澤信三郎帆布(具企業規模),卻也是在網路,報章雜誌上甚至是來台灣旅遊的觀光客間小有名氣的一間店。 本稿前半部分以分析京都的區域性特色為基礎從而剖析該區文化產業的構造,探究其魅力所在。後半段則是藉由實地訪談等資料,分析比較京都一澤信三郎帆布以及台南永盛帆布行。並比較日本的古都、京都與台灣的古都、台南。透過比較一澤信三郎帆布以及台南永盛帆布行來分析台日兩地的環境差異,做為促進我國文化創意產業的發展及參考。


Firstly, this dissertation might be deconstructed to two parts. The first part, thronging the literature review to analyze the construct of cultural industry. Based on the attraction of Kyoto and how to impress the consumer. In the last part, I try to analyze and comparing the two handmade canvas bags brand--Ichisawashinzaburou Canvas and Yung-Sheng Canvas by first hand data collection. I collect the data by in person interview to these two store in Kyoto and Taiwan. The result of this comparison, I try to find out the different of business background between Taiwan and Japan. Trying to find the way to improve the cultural industry of our country--Taiwan. The century-old shop-- Ichisawashinzaburou Canvas in Kyoto had being form 1905 years. It has be called “The Japanese Louis Vuitton” .This store is famous without any advertisement, and the large number fans of this brand are not only in Japan but also the other countries. In Taiwan, a very similar century-old shop named Yung-Sheng Canvas, in a city--Tainan, which is quite similar with Kyoto. Although , the scale of Yung-Sheng Canvas cannot be compare with Ichisawashinzaburou Canvas ( it’s corporation) . It is famous between the the bloggers and tourist from the another countries. The main purpose of this dissertation is finding out why the cultural industry--which become a kind of boom in recently. According to this book-- “Let’s talk about the future of Japan!” (translated from Japanese), It’s mention about a kind of situation that--The luxury brand had not so adorable in Japan now. The consumer has started to fix their eyes on something simple and lower price.


菅 聖子(2009)『一澤信三郎帆布物語』朝日新聞出版
