  • 學位論文


Freedom and Security: The Impact of Schengen Information System on the Internal Security of the European Union

指導教授 : 張福昌


歐洲聯盟(以下簡稱歐盟)於2010年6月14日慶祝申根協定簽訂25周年。申根合作自1985年以來,藉著廢除內部邊境管制,建立共同外圍邊境,為歐盟帶來實質的人員自由流通。然而,人員自由流通的同時,犯罪與威脅亦於區內流竄。為了維持外圍邊境的威脅過濾功能,以補充廢除內部邊境管制所引起的安全赤字,申根會員國建立了「申根資訊系統」,負責儲存具有威脅或待尋人員與物件資訊,此資料庫為會員國邊境管制與司法機構所用,亦是歐盟警察合作中最重要的執法工具之一。 本論文首先闡釋自由與安全間的關係,並解析兩者於歐盟內部安全中的重要性。接著進入主題「申根資訊系統對歐盟內部安全的影響」。本論文探討「申根資訊系統」的內容、運作與問題:在內容方面,「申根資訊系統」是一個大型資料庫,儲存大量個人與物件資料,有效將具有威脅與不受歡迎的人員與物件資訊儲存其中;在運作方面,「申根資訊系統」利用放射狀的資訊傳輸方式,使得各會員國相關機構可快速取得最新資訊,將威脅阻擋於區域之外;在問題方面,由於「申根資訊系統」是一個大型資料庫,儲存之資訊的可取得性,以及警報的分發運用顯得格外敏感,甚至牽涉到人權與資料保護的議題。一個大型資料庫的最大貢獻在於能提供正確與合法之資訊,以利執法人員勤務所需。而「申根資訊系統」由於連線的會員國眾多,因此不易控管資訊來源,遂造成資訊相關人權益上的受損,此外,對於受損權利之後續補償程序亦不夠透明且因國而異。準此以觀,「申根資訊系統」為維護歐盟內部安全的重要輔助機制,然而,「申根資訊系統」實應進一步嚴密資料保護法規,以保護個人權利;並加強與歐盟其他資料庫的相容與合作,以避免資源與人力的重疊與浪費。唯有如此,才能夠提高「申根資訊系統」維護歐盟內部安全的功能。


On 14th June 2010, the European Union celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signature of Schengen Agreement. Since 1985, the European Countries have started Schengen cooperation. The Schengen area represents a territory where the free movement of persons is guaranteed. The internal bordors of the signatory states to the Schengen Agreement are abolished, then they build a common external border. At the heart of the Schengen coopertion, a so-called “Schengen Information System” (SIS) was set up. The national authorities for border control and judicial coopertion are allowed to obtain information on persons or objects. In the beginning of this thesis, it clarifies the relationship between freedom and security, and explains the importance of these two concepts in internal security of the EU. Then it comes to analyse the impact of the SIS on the EU’s internal security. This thesis involves the content, operation and problems of the SIS. Basically, the SIS is a large database, which contains numerous personal and objective data. It operates 24 hours a day, and provides relevant information to the related authorities of the EU Member States. The access of the information and the transmission of the alerts are crucial, and it araises the issues of human rights and data protection. We conclude that the national authorities have the access to the SIS, in this circumstance, the right of the related person is indirectly infringed. Moreover, the legal systems within the EU Member States are quite differrent. To sum up, the SIS is the key mechanism for safeguarding the internal security of the EU. However, the EU has to coordinate the data protection laws with the purpose to protect personal rights; besides, the EU also has to enhance the cooperation and interoperability between SIS and other European databases. Only through this way, the SIS can really contribute to strenghten the internal security of the EU.


Action Plan of the Council and the Commission on How Best to Implement the Provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Text adopted by the Justice and Home Affairs Council of 3 December 1998, OJ C19, 23.01.1999, p. 1-16.
Authority of the House of Lords: After Madrid: the EU’s Response to Terrorism, 5th Report of Select Committee on the European Union, Session 2004-05, 8 March 2005.
Authority of the House of Lords: Schengen Information System II (SIS II), 9th Report of the European Union Committee, Session 2006-07, London: The Stationery Office Limited, 2 March 2007.
Commission Decision of 19.03.2010, establishing the Handbook for the processing of visa applications and the modification of issued visas (Only the Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish texts are authentic), C(2010) 1620 final, pp. 15-16.
