  • 學位論文


A Study of Big-Size TFT-LCD Industry in Japan:A Research of Sharp Corporation

指導教授 : 任燿廷


液晶顯示器 (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display,簡稱 TFT-LCD )產業已成為亞洲風雲產業,日台韓三國各有擅場。 本研究以日本大尺寸液晶面板產業之研究為題,主要依據「國家創新系統」「產業聚落」理論探討1980年代以來橫跨此產業競爭力的定位及演變並比較起其競爭優勢,針對日本大尺寸液晶面板產業主要代表廠家夏普進行個案分析,探討夏普的競爭優勢。並以「鑽石理論」分析日本夏普做整理比較分析,了解日本大尺寸液晶面板產業之競爭實力,包含日本大尺寸液晶面板的產業現況與未來發展、與各國顯示器主要代表廠家之比較等;另外透過各世代產品的產業聚落分佈,分析各世代產品生產及新世代廠的規畫演變。最後藉由產官學新價值創造模型針對日本夏普及台灣大尺寸液晶面板產業進行分析與建議。 歸納本研究結果如下:日本在「擺脫跟隨」的策略上,採取技術超前,品質、 品牌區隔,藉以創造持續領先的地位。台灣飽嚐日韓的競爭擠壓,但在與日韓間既競爭又合作的策略夥伴關係上已有效突破,並在產能及擴廠競賽中迎頭趕上。中國大陸「後發先至」的趨向也已隱然成形,在三國的積極佈局下,讓下一波的競爭戰場提早浮現。研究的建議上,本研究認為,如果台灣大尺寸液晶面板廠商能與日本夏普實質上擴大聯盟的規模,在分享相關支援產業下,達成資源互補與市場的進一步共享,進而降低投資大尺寸液晶面板產業經營的風險,達到擴大聯盟雙贏局面的可能性作深入的策略研究。 本文的目的,主要是藉由「國家創新系統」、「鑽石理論」進行衡量與國際評比,發掘出創新系統的缺口及企業部門創新與營運的問題,跳脫以「低成本」競爭的思維,轉向更深層與更多元化的產官學「新價值創造」的策略,發展知識與技術密集的高附加價值之高科技產業,實現台灣科技島的夢想。


TFT-LCD industry has become the competitive industry in the Northeast Asia. Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have their own comparative advantages. The main purpose is to compare with competitive advantages of Big-Size Liquid Crystal Display Panel Industrial Cluster, referring to the theory of National Innovation System. The paper discerns the strategic arrangement and position of each country within the regional production network of TFT-LCD industry since 1980s,. Quoting Diamond Model structure, this paper examines the competitive advantages and makes comparison among three countries from the empirical study of the major TFT-LCD company in each country. In the final, the paper clarifies the competitive advantage and disadvantage among these major TFT-LCD companies by using New Value Creation of industry trend. The conclusion can be summarized as below: Japan, by "getting rid of the following" strategy, maintains leading position through enforcing her leading technologies, quality management and brand differentiation. Taiwan, though faced fierce competition from Japan and Korea, has caught up in the production capability by effectively improving the strategic partnership with Japan and Korea. China's"starting late but arriving first" strategy has also been steadily formed. Under the ongoing of restructuring through integration of Japan and Taiwan TFT-LCD industry, One suggestion raises in this study is that the alliance of TFT-LCD Cluster should be expanded further, to share technologies and resources with Japan Sharp, to reduce operational risks, so as to reach win-win prospects.


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