  • 學位論文


A case study of the performance of the professional service learning of the department of library and information science:An example of DILS in Tamkang University

指導教授 : 宋雪芳


圖書館學與資訊科學相關學系(簡稱圖資相關學系)的專業服務學習是一種結合社區服務與專業館員培育的教學方法,透過讓學生真正走入社區,為當地圖書館提供技術協助與規劃各種推廣活動來增進學生的實務經驗,同時也促進學生在圖書館專業技能、批判思考等其他能力及公民素養上之發展。本研究之目的為探討圖書資訊學系學生專業服務學習的成效,以淡江大學資圖系的專業服務學習課程中的圖書館利用教育服務為案例,採問卷調查法,針對系上曾參與過此服務且現為三、四年級之60位學生進行研究,其研究結果顯示專業服務學習對於學生的圖書館專業技能、人際溝通、團隊合作、教案及教學活動設計、教學、領導等其他能力與了解並尊重之其他族群(如兒童)等素養之發展有正面的成效,在關心社區議題等反思能力上則仍需加強。根據研究結果,本研究對於淡江大學資圖系圖書館利用教育服務施行之建議如下: 1.提供進行圖書館利用教育服務之相關技能之研習 圖書館利用教育服務說明會應聘請撰寫教案、設計教具及實施教學方面的專家或老師針對學生進行教學,此外也應該加強學生對於資訊素養等在圖書館專業課程中未學習到的部份的知識,讓學生在教學前能獲得完善的圖書館利用教育服務之相關技能。 2.建立客觀的評分機制 針對圖書館利用教育服務的各項活動(包括教案、教具及教學的驗收等)建立客觀的評量標準,並建置完善的評分工具(如點名表等)。 3.建立學童的回饋機制 提供小作業來測驗學童在課堂中學習的成果,並讓學生透過小作業反思自己的教學並進行修正。 4.進行更完善的反省活動之規劃 應該改善反省活動如實習日誌及同儕評鑑表內容之規劃,讓學生能夠有效地進行反省工作,並藉由同儕評鑑表進行同儕間對活動付出之程度,此外還應提供導師評鑑表及課後檢討會,讓各組對於活動進行反省與分享,以提供必要之回饋與修正。 5.尋找經費來源 應積極向系上或校外其他相關機構申請經費,提供學生足夠的經費進行教具的製作。 6.建立宣傳管道 邀請有經驗的學長姐在學生選擇服務項目與地點前分享其服務經驗,加強服務活動的宣導並吸引學生參與。


The professional service learning of the department of library and information science is a pedagogy which combines community service and library education. By letting students enter the community truly to provide technical assistance with local library and plan all kinds of outreach activities, the pedagogy can enhance their practical experience and while also facilitate the development of students in the library skills, critical thinking and other capacity ,civic literacy. The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of the professional service learning of the department of library and information science. Taking the library instruction education service of the professional service learning course of the department of library and information science in Tamkang University as an example, adopting a questionnaire survey study the sixty students of the department who have participated and is currently third and fourth grade. Its findings show that professional service learning for students of library specialized skills, interpersonal communication, teamwork, lesson plans and teaching activities, teaching and leadership capacity and understanding and other respect of other ethnic groups (such as children) and so the development of literacy has a positive effect, in the interest community issues such as the ability to reflect on the need to be strengthened. Based on the findings, the study plan for the Department of Tamkang University Library instruction Education Information Service implementation of the following recommendations: 1.To provide the teaching of the relevant skills of the library instruction education service Library instruction Education Service Description will employ experts or teachers in writing lesson plans, designing teaching aids and implementation of teaching to teach students, in addition should also give students information literacy curriculum in the library are not part of the knowledge learned , so that students can get a comprehensive relevant skills of library instruction education before teaching. 2.To establish an objective assessment mechanism For library instruction education services of the various activities (including lesson plans, teaching aids and teaching of acceptance, etc.) to establish an objective standard of assessment, and implement a comprehensive rating tool (such as a roll book, etc.). 3.The establishment of mechanisms for student feedback Provide small operations to test students in classroom learning outcomes, and allow students to reflect on their teaching of small operations and make amendments. 4.To conduct a comprehensive planning of reflective activities Improve the plan of the contents of the reflective activities such as practice diary and peer evaluation form, so that students can effectively reflect and to show the devotional level of peers. In addition to provide teacher evaluation form and after-school review sessions ,letting each group share and reflect for the activities to supply the necessary feedback and correction. 5.To find sources of funding Applying actively for funding toward the department or other relevant institutions outside the school to provide students with enough money for the production of teaching aids. 6.To establish advertising channels By inviting experienced seniors to share their service experience before students choosing services content and place to enhance the advertisement of service activities, and attract students.


馮莉雅。「美國高等教育服務學習課程之研究」。高雄餐旅學報 7期(2005):95-114。


