  • 學位論文

專門圖書館服務品質與滿意度之研究: 以X圖書館為例

Understanding Users’ Perception of Special Library Service Quality and Satisfaction: A Case of X Library

指導教授 : 王美玉


二十一世紀全世界圖書館都面臨人力及經費不足的困境。值此之際,圖書館必須將「圖書館為導向」的舊觀念改變為以「讀者為導向」新思維,從顧客的角度評估圖書館的服務品質,提供更加值的服務以滿足讀者需求,提高讀者滿意度,化危機為轉機。 本研究使用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,採立意抽樣方式針對X科研機構研究人員施測。本問卷參考SERVQUAL、E-SERVQUAL及LibQUAL+TM量表而成,包含有「館員服務」、「館藏資源」、「資訊檢索」、「環境設施」、「便利性」五大構面,共有27個問項。本研究共發放350份問卷,回收有效問卷338份,有效回收率96.6%,並以SPSS進行問卷統計分析,探討圖書館使用情形、服務品質與整體滿意度彼此之間的相關性及差異性。藉以了解讀者對於圖書館服務品質的期望與感受,以提供決策者擬定圖書館發展策略。 本研究結果顯示:(一)圖書館館內資源是讀者主要資訊來源,並以借還書為主;(二)過去一年,讀者不使用圖書館的主要原因是工作太忙及距離太遠;(三)職級及單位是影響讀者使用圖書館資源頻率主要原因;(四)圖書館環境清潔受肯定;(五)圖書館環境安靜有益於研究學習,惟須改善閱覽椅的舒適度;(六)館員的禮貌及熱誠受肯定,惟須加強個人化服務;(七)圖書館的網站設計有待加強,應設計為更友善的資訊檢索畫面;(八)「館藏資源」構面服務重視程度及感受程度落差大,有待加強改善; (九)四象限圖示分析,部份服務宜再進行深入調查研究;(十)讀者年齡、服務年資、教育程度、職級及單位造成服務品質顯著差異;(十一) 讀者對圖書館的「整體滿意度」評分為滿意層級;(十二)讀者教育程度、職級及單位造成整體滿意度顯著差異;(十三)使用圖書館資源頻率、服務品質及整體滿意度彼此之間具有正相關。 根據上述研究發現,本論文提出以下八點建議: (一)開設圖書館利用教育課程;(二)設置行動圖書館;(三)建立顧客導向的服務,滿足讀者一次購足的心理;(四)對外宣傳圖書館服務,積極行銷圖書館產品;(五)加強館員的專業能力與工作熱忱;(六)積極充實館藏,增加圖書、期刊及電子資源的採購;(七)加強改善檢索工具易用性及改進資訊檢索構面使讀者易於找尋資料;(八)建立新總館,以創造優質閱覽及研究環境空間。


Libraries around the world are facing insufficient manpower and budget difficulties in the 21st century. Meanwhile, user-oriented assessment on service quality can help libraries understand readers’ needs and opinions. It’s a good tool for the improvement of service quality in special libraries. The libraries will turn crisis into opportunity if they can provide more valuable services to meet the needs of readers. Methods of this study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey. This study integrated the SERVQUAL、E-SERVQUAL, and LibQUAL+TM and proposed the five dimensions including librarian service, library resource, information retrieval, physical environment, and convenience. The objectives were to understand readers’ expectation and perception for the library service quality and explore the correlation and differences between library usage, service quality, and overall satisfaction. A survey was conducted by purposive sampling.The target population was the researchers of X scientific research institution. There were 338 questionnaires completed. The results could offer decision maker to draw up the strategy of the library development. Major findings of the study are as follows: (1) Resource on library premises is the most commonly resource used by readers. The main purpose of users is to borrow book; (2) Over the last year, some of the readers were too busy and far away, so they did not use library resources; (3) The two main factors which influence the resource use frequency are users’ job positions and affiliated departments; (4) A clean library environment is affirmed; (5) The library has a quiet environment for reading, but needs to improve reading chairs; (6) Librarian courtesy and enthusiasm are affirmed, but needs to strengthen personal service; (7) Library website needs to be improved, and information retrieval screen should be designed to be more friendly; (8) A big gap between expectation and perception in the library resource dimension, needs to be improved; (9) According to the quadrant diagram analysis, some of the service quality items should be investigated in-depth; (10) The five main factors which influence the service quality are users’ age, years of service, education level, job positions and affiliated departments; (11) The overall satisfaction of library is rated at a satisfactory score; (12) The three main factors which influence the overall satisfaction are users’ education level, job positions and affiliated departments; (13)The positive correlation exists between the library resource use frequency, service quality, and overall satisfaction. According to the results, this study makes eight recommendations as follows: (1) Opening more training courses about the library utilization; (2) Establishing mobile library; (3) Creating customer-oriented services to fulfill readers’ requirements; (4) Outreaching library services and marketing library products; (5) Enhancing librarians professional skills and work passion; (6) Increasing the amount of books, periodicals and electronic resources; (7) Improving search tools and information retrieval dimension; (8) Establishing a new main library in order to create high quality reading and research environment space.


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