  • 學位論文

含硼胜肽化合物之合成(I); 利用Passerini反應合成多重含硼化合物(II)

Synthesis of Boron-containing peptide Analogs(I); Synthesis of Multiple Boron-containing Analogs via Passerini Reaction(II)

指導教授 : 潘伯申


含硼胜肽化合物之合成(I): 將含硼起始物與胺基酸合成,並進行還原,合成出系列A與系列B之含硼胜肽化合物,此類化合物可用簡單的方法合成製備與純化藉此得到具有aminomethyl結構的化合物,而此類結構常見於天然物中,在藥物中亦可見到。 利用Passerini反應合成多重含硼化合物(II) : 本研究目的在於開發適用於硼中子捕獲治療的藥物,鑒於硼中子捕獲治療的重要性並結合Passerini reaction的廣泛應用性,利用含硼官能基合成出一系列用在硼中子捕獲治療的多重含硼之Passerini化合物,期望能對癌症治療有進一步的發展。未來將以所得之化合物進行一系列的藥物化學結構與活性關係的分析,找出作為後續藥物開發的領導藥物。


Synthesis of Boron-containing peptide Analogs(I): In this research, we have designd and synthesized two series of boron-containing analogues. These compounds could be easily synthesized and purified via simple synthetic operations.More analogs are being synthesized and the result will be reported in due course. Synthesis of Multiple Boron-containing Analogs via Passerini Reaction(II): In this report, a Passerini three-component reaction with a boron- containing starting material in water under microwave irradiation was developed.We developed these compounds suitable for BNCT drugs.


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