  • 學位論文


The Properties of Porous Asphalt Containing Warm Mix Asphalt Additives

指導教授 : 劉明仁


近年來全球氣候異常,極端氣候的出現比起以往更加頻繁,乾旱、洪水、暴雨、冰山融化、熱浪、海平面上升、超大型氣旋等,均為人類生命財產帶來莫大威脅,這些現象均導因於溫室效應所產生之地球暖化。熱拌瀝青混凝土(hot mix asphalt, HMA)產業是一種消耗大量資源與能源之工業,臺灣每年生產大量熱拌瀝青混凝土以因應路面興建與維修所需,因此如何節能減碳已成為鋪面工程界之重要議題。溫拌瀝青混凝土(warm mix asphalt, WMA)是以加入添加劑或改變拌合方式下,降低能源消耗、減少污染氣體排放之新技術,比傳統熱拌瀝青混合料有較低之拌合與夯壓溫度,但具有相同之成效表現。多孔隙瀝青混凝土則是利用級配之調整,使其孔隙率提昇至20%左右,使降於鋪面上之雨水由大量孔隙迅速排除,避免在鋪面上形成水膜,可減少行車打滑與水沫飛濺之現象,促進道路行車安全。 本研究以添加Sasobit®及Rediset® WMX製成之溫拌多孔隙瀝青混凝土為主要研究對象,依不同添加量(瀝青膠泥重量之1.5%、2.5%)分別預混加入改質III型瀝青膠泥中,以檢驗瀝青膠泥在添加劑添加前後之基本物性的變化。再進行多孔隙瀝青混凝土配比設計,及後續溫拌多孔隙瀝青混凝土與熱拌多孔隙瀝青混凝土之工程性質試驗,以了解兩者間之差異。本研究試驗結果顯示: 1. 本研究選用之溫拌添加劑能使瀝青膠泥高溫時降低黏滯度,低溫時提高黏滯度。瀝青膠泥加入1.5%及2.5%溫拌添加劑時,能使拌合溫度分別降低約7℃及13℃,以製作溫拌多孔隙瀝青混凝土。 2. 由間接張力強度試驗結果得知溫拌添加劑添加量增加時,間接張力強度亦隨之增加。 3. 由回彈模數試驗結果得知使用溫拌添加劑能夠提高回彈模數,且回彈模數隨添加量增加而增加。 4. 由車轍輪跡試驗結果得知溫拌添加劑添加量增加時,動態穩定值亦隨之增加。 5. 經過本研究各項績效試驗結果相互評比排序,在溫拌劑添加量1.5%、2.5%中,最佳添加量為2.5%。


We are facing more and more global climate anomalies. The emergence of extreme weather including droughts, floods, storms, melting glaciers, heat waves, sea water level rise, and huge cyclones threaten human life and property. These disasters appear mostly because of global warming. Manufacturing of hot mix asphalt (HMA) consumes large amounts of energy resources and energy. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a new technology of producing asphalt mixtures using additives or with plant modifications to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The mixing and compacting temperatures of WMA are lower than that of traditional HMA with almost equivalent performance. On the other hand, porous asphalt utilizing highly open aggregate gradations produces very high air voids which can effectively drain the surface runoff and improve roadway safety. This laboratory study was conducted to investigate the performance of the warm mix porous asphalt using WMA additives. In the study, 2 dosage rates (1.5% and 2.5% by weight of binder) of each additive, Sasobit® and Rediset® WMX, were selected to evaluate their effects and to determine the optimum addition rate. Major conclusions of our study were summarized as follows: 1. The viscosity test results showed that the binders containing WMA additives had decreased viscosity at higher temperature, and increased viscosity at lower temperature. The reductions of mixing temperature was found to be 7℃ and 13℃ with the addition of 1.5% and 2.5%, respectively. 2. The laboratory results also showed that the indirect tensile strengths of the warm mix porous asphalt increased with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 3. The resilient modulus test results showed that warm mix additives could increase the resilient modulus with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 4. The wheel tracking test results indicated that the dynamic stability (DS) increased with higher WMA additive dosage rate. 5. The recommended dosage rate of WMA additive was found to be close to 2.5% based on the overall results of performance evaluation from this laboratory study.


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