  • 學位論文

BenQ Mobile在歐洲市場的行銷失敗探討

A Case Study on BenQ Mobile's Failure in Europe

指導教授 : 李月華


高科技產業是一個變化快速的產業,明基電通在面臨變化快速的經營環境下,選擇於2005年10月1號併購德國Siemens手機部門,藉由強力經營手機品牌市場然而卻在一年之間宣佈棄守德國子公司(BenQ Mobile)。這個超過台幣三百億元的損失與商譽的受損,能給明基與後續有心投入品牌的廠商什麼啟示? 本研究以個案研究方式,對公司在歐洲市場的經營表現進行多面向的觀察與分析,並透過焦點訪談來增強論文結論的信度與效度。除實際參與2006年3月於德國舉行的Cebit電子展現場觀察BenQ-Siemens與其他同業的整體規劃表現外,並於期間實際走訪德國當地的主要銷售賣場,實際觀察該公司產品銷售表現與通路經營情況,當中並就教於會場工讀、賣場的銷售人員以及透過紀錄BenQ手機消費/使用者在網路論壇的評價與使用心得,最後則與公司相關人員做訪談與意見交換。 本研究針對個案公司形成的市場現狀與問題,觀察並分析其在歐洲市場行銷的策略選擇,藉以讓欲討論開拓海外市場之廠商有所借鏡。


Abstract Founded in 1984, BenQ registered intial sales of more than NTD 300 million generated from it's core business being the produciton of computer components. By 2004, BenQ's sales income reached NTD 174.7 billion with several mergers. Over this period, in line with BenQ's growth as a global enterprise servicing more than 30 countries, employee numbers increased to more than 13,000 whilst sales income increased more than 580%. At this point, BenQ's success served as a model for taiwaness IT companies intent on entering intrernational business. The research presented in this paper looks at the strategies used by BenQ in terms of their entry into international markets, purchasing and marketing with particular reference to their presence in the European market. Analysis of case studies, focus interviews, BenQ annual reports and publications, and customer generated forums were used to investigate the failed merger between BenQ and Siemens Mobile Phone Division. Internationalization of business comes along with high risks and returns. This study identified several reasons contributing to the failed merger between BenQ and Siemens Mobile Phone Division as follows: 1. The delay of new product launches, combined with the depreciation of goods/material in stock, meant that BenQ Mobile operating costs remained high. 2. These factors contributed to the cancellation of orders from key vendors such as Vodafone and T-Mobile. Consequently, BenQ failed to expand their market share and make the best use of channel resources provided by Siemens. 3. Expenses on Research and Development and sponship for the Real Madrid football club siphoned vital marketing revenue without significant return. 4. 4P strategy was both incorrect and outdated and failed to meet customers actual needs and desires. 5. Participation in interntional trade shows and the iF Design comptetion did not benefit BenQ's sales and revenue.


BenQ Mobile iF Cebit


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