  • 學位論文


A study of national defense in human resource employment & management after implementation of enlistment

指導教授 : 楊維楨


國防是一個國家抵禦外侮、確保領土完整、維護社會安定的重要力量,近年隨著科學技術的進步、國際情勢轉變與兩岸關係的和緩,加上少子化等人口結構及社會價值觀的變遷,推行全募兵制已是時勢所趨。由於國防部規劃於2015年全面實施,相關配套措施已如火如荼地展開研究與評估,期能同時在降低兵力規模、提昇整體素質與專業能力、維持國防戰力不衰的基本條件下,達成建軍備戰的目標。然而,人力資源管理之「選、訓、用、留」相關制度還須因應兵役制度的變革而作相對的調整,以達到此目的。本研究希藉國內外相關研究資料的蒐整、分析,並透過深度訪談彙整專家學者意見與看法後,提出對制度改革的建議,以供未來政策制定之參考。 回顧美國自1973年全面推動募兵制之初,美軍軍隊規模之裁減與人事制度之規劃,仍舊沿襲冷戰期間僵化的設計理念,不但使成本效益無法在短時間顯現,原先企求能因此獲得高素質人才與汰除不適任之人員的目標並未達到,反造成軍隊成員素質普遍下降、特殊專長人才大量流失,而使戰力衰退、人事費用不減反增。然而,近年其人事制度歷經不斷的研究與改革後,雖歷經索馬利亞、科索沃、阿富汗、巴基斯坦及第二次波灣戰爭的洗禮,仍持續在世人面前展現其傲人的科技成就與優異的國防武力,相關制度的變革已日益顯現成效。 現今的戰爭準備不同以往,無論指揮、管制、通信、資訊、情報、監視、偵查(C4ISR)等高科技武器裝備的研發、製造、操作、維保、檢修等均需要科技研發人才及技能純熟與經驗豐富的人員擔任。因此本研究認為,國軍欲從徵兵制過渡至募兵制,首先須拋棄過去兵員以年輕力壯為訴求,以及視士官兵為可任意支配的資源等徵兵制思維,以利提昇整體專業素養與增進人力資源管理效率。 其次,人才培養不易,為有效運用人力資源,使軍隊繼續留用經驗豐富之成員而不致其中年轉業,須根本解決「門檻式授與」退休金制度的缺陷。現行制度中,無論軍官、士官大多在服役滿20年且未達50歲前即符合支領退休金(俗稱終身俸)之條件,此制度未能促使軍中成員服役超過30年,而又無機制能激勵他們這麼做,所造成的問題即是具專業技能之人力資源流失後,國家須耗費鉅資支付退役人員退休金並投入資源以訓練新進人員,實不符成本效益。因此,應將原來設定20年即可領取退休金的門檻延長至30年以上,以符合軍隊利益。 第三,「陸海空軍軍官士官任職條例」有關軍官、士官各階級停年時間須因應較長的職涯規劃而等比例延長,使各階均有充分時間獲得所需專業與經驗,減少職務快速調動所造成的亂象,並提供各軍職充分的歷練時間,以增強專業知識與技能。 另外,經驗豐富的軍隊將有助戰力提升,某些如科技研發、醫療等專業未必僅能在軍隊中培養,或須長期經驗累積,應適度開放橫向進用措施,以較高俸級進用具特殊專業人員,將其專業帶進軍隊,由其輔導資淺人員,以提升國軍整體專業能力;為使具特殊軍職專長成員願意長期任職,國防部應設置獨立機構,配合經濟環境與勞動市場轉變,定期檢討整體薪資結構及各類軍職的待遇、專長加給等,使某些不易覓得人選的職務能支領更高的薪酬,如能提高特殊專長成員晉升的機會,由晉升所提高的報酬與福利等經濟誘因,將充分提高人力市場中競爭力,有效激勵那些具備優異技能之成員留任。


Defense is an important power for a country to against foreign aggression, ensure the territorial integrity, and maintain social stability. With the scientific and technological progress, the international situation changes and cross-strait relations easing in recent years, coupled with low birth rate and other demographic structure and social values change, the implementation of all voluntarism is the trend of the times. The full implementation in 2015 has planed by MND, and the related measures has begun in earnest study and evaluation. While reducing the strength of scale can improve the overall quality and professional capacity to maintain national defense capability has not changed the basic conditions and achieve the objection of war preparations. However, the relevant system "selection, training, employment, remain" of human resource management in the military service system should reform and make relative adjustments to achieve this objective. This study is to give some recommendations to the reform of the system for future policy development in Taiwan through gathering and analyzing the information by domestic and foreign related research, and analyzing and integrating the views and opinions of experts and scholars. Reminding the beginning of promoting voluntarism in U.S. since 1973, the plan of military scale reduction and personnel system still follow the rigid design during the Cold War. Not only cost-effectiveness can not be seen in a short time, the original objection of increasing high-quality personnel and eliminating inadequate staff was not reached. Instead, the general quality of military members has decreased, the special expertise has a huge loss which caused combat abilities declined and personnel costs increased. However, followed the continuous research and reform of personnel system in recent years, while Somalia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the second Gulf War, U.S. continued showing its impressive scientific and technological achievements and outstanding defense force. The changes in related systems has become increasingly apparent effect. The modern warfare is differ from the past , no matter the command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (C4ISR) and other high-tech weapons and equipment’s R &D, operation, repair and maintenance, and etc. must be proficient with the skills of experienced members. Therefore, this study suggests that the military want to get transition from conscription to enlist system, the first, when abandoning the past conscription policy-"young and strong" and "the NCO & soldiers who regarded as disposable resources", it’s going to facilitate the overall professionalism and enhance human resource management. The second, training skilled members is not easy, for the effective use of human resources, the military has to retain experienced members in jobs without changing career during middle life, and the fundamental solution to improve the pension system of "threshold type awarding " defects. The existing system, whether officers, NCOs, mostly in service for 20 years and less than 50 years ago that got retirement pension (commonly known as life-long pension) conditions, this system does not encourage members of the military service for over 30 years, but no mechanism to encourage them to do so. The problem is caused by a huge loss of professional skilled human resources, and military has to spend huge sums of money to pay retirees pensions and invest resources to train new staff. This does not deserve cost-effectiveness. Therefore, the original set of 20-year threshold for pensioners should be extended to 30 years to comply with military interests. Third, " The Armed Forces of Officers and NCOs Employment Act" related to the ranks stopped years need to be proportional extended follow the longer career planning and they will have sufficient time to obtain the necessary expertise and experience to reduce disorder from the rapid mobilization of duties and to provide adequate exposure and time of the military to enhance the professional knowledge and skills. In addition, experienced troops will enhance the national defense capability. Because some professional skills not only training in the military, but have a long-term experience, for example, scientific and technological R &D and medical skills. The military should use appropriate horizontal employment measures into the open landscape to a higher salary level into the special professional personnel. When bringing their expertise into the military and counseling by non-expertise officers will help the military enhance overall professional ability. In order to remain special expertise members have willingness to long-term serve. MND should set an independent body which review the overall salary structure and all kinds of military treatment with the economic environment and labor market changes on a regular basis. It can also appropriately solve the problem that some positions are difficult to find a candidate and the expertise should receive a higher pay follow as the increasing chance of promotion. The improved pay and benefits and other economic incentives will fully enhance the competitiveness of labor markets, and effectively encourage those who have excellent skills of the members remain in the military.




