  • 學位論文

中華民國於聯合國代表權之變更: 自緩議案更動為重大議題案之決策過程

Decision-making process of the US from moratorium to important question resolution of Chinese representation in the U.N.(1961)

指導教授 : 陳一新


本論文主要是透過美國國務院所出版的美國外交關係,與甘迺迪政府時期的重要涉外官員與幕僚之回憶錄與相關外交期刊為其主要資要來源。主要運用個案研究法來探討一九六一年時,美國政府對於聯合國內的中國代表權爭議的解決方式,自緩議案更動為重大議題案的決策過程。運用艾里遜的決策模式加以分析。 在理性模式部分,甘迺迪政府選擇以重大議題案取代原有的緩議案,主要是因為重大議題案相較於其他如繼承國方案等選項,不僅能解決當時在聯合國中對於中國代表權議題屢採延宕討論的疑慮,更能消弭國內反對中共入會的聲浪。 在組織模式部分,由於當時國內一片反對中共入會的聲浪,加上甘迺迪總統本身亦不願意應允中共於一九六一年進入聯合國,加諸國務院傳統以來的組織文化往往是重視所謂的現狀,且對事務的看法多半採取保守觀點,因此國務院相較於國家安全會議,所提出的看法,儘管較無戰略宏觀的看法,卻能夠贏得總統的青睞。而國務院的主流意見,也影響了內部次級組織間的意見,使得較為偏向國務院主流意見的遠東事務司所提出的反對繼承國方案,相較於政策企畫處所贊成的繼承國方案更顯得可行。 在官僚模式部分,由於甘迺迪本身亟不願意在一九六一年應允中共進入聯合國,使得國務卿魯斯克被迫改變其『兩個中國』的看法以期能夠在決策過程中發揮其影響力。 本篇論文的主旨為:甘迺迪選擇以重大議題案取代緩議案,主要是因為重大議題案不僅能夠化解各國對緩議案是美國推延之計的質疑,更可以順應國內反對中共入會的要求。


The study is about the decision-making process of the US from moratorium to important question resolution of Chinese representation in the U.N. at 1961.The thesis adopts the Allison's decision theory-Rational Actor Model, Organizational Model and Governmental politics Model to analyse the transition. A systematic empirical evaluation is undertaken to determine the applicability of the models. By applying Rational Actor Model in the study, it shows that the rational actor usually finds the most feasible way to solve the dilemma.Decision makers' ideology,international political circumstances, tactical planning and the domestic political factors will influence the decision maker.By applying of organizational model in the case, it shows that the organizational behavior is often influenced by the organizational culture. In addition, the sub-organization in the unit always has it's own sub-organizational character.When the sub-organization character match the major organizational culture, it's point of view mostly will be adopt.By applying of the Governmental model in the study, it reveals that the policy makers in order to win the actting chanel would give up his own oringinal ideology. The main theme of the study is that Kennedy choosed the important question resolution to replace the moratorium beacuse the solution will solve the question from the U.N.and release the pressure from the domestic politicians.


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趙曉雲(2010)。民進黨執政時期的外交決策之研究 (2000—2008年)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00968
