  • 學位論文


The Use of Web Site in the Election Campaign- A Case Study of 2004 Legislator's Election in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉淑惠


本研究係針對競選網站在選舉活動當中,可以扮演與發揮哪一些功能與角色進行研究,以2004年立委選舉為例,探討在2004年的立委選舉中,候選人成立與使用競選網站的情況。首先,透過實際的上網去搜尋有成立競選網站的候選人,進行資料的蒐集,並且透過黨派、參選身份、性別、地域分佈、不同選舉層級之比較,去了解這一些因素是否會造成候選人在競選網站使用上的差異,最後透過當選比率來觀察競選網站的使用是否有助於候選人達到勝選的目的。 第二,針對競選網站所能提供的功能進行研究,分別針對競選網站當中的訊息傳遞與接收、網路募款的使用以及透過網路招募義工的功能進行探討。透過深度訪談法的運用,去訪問有成立競選網站的立委候選人,透過他們的使用經驗與對與競選網站的一些看法,了解競選網站在這三項功能的發揮情況。 研究結果發現,在2004年的區域立委以及原住民立委的選舉當中,共有386人投入選戰,其中有151位的候選人有成立競選網站,佔所有候選人的39%,顯見已有不少候選人願意投入網路選戰的行列。主要政黨的候選人較無黨籍或其他政黨的候選人積極的成立競選網站;爭取連任的立委參選人成立競選網站的情況較第一次競選的立委候選人普遍;選區選民使用網際網路的情況也會對候選人成立競選網站的情況造成一些影響;選區越大、選舉層級越高,候選人使用競選網站的情況也就越普遍。大多數有使用網站的候選人,都對網站抱持的正向的態度,認同競選網站可以吸引網路使用者的造訪,並且可以幫助網路使用者進一步了解候選人。在競選網站的功能發揮上,仍以候選人向選民傳遞訊息是最為被普遍使用的功能,其他如競選經費的招募、網路徵募義工等功能的發揮則尚待開發與使用。


The main theme of this essay is the role and function of the campaign websites, which Candidates organize their websites to promote themselves in the legislature election in 2004. In the first part, I search the candidates who form the websites through internet to collect the data. And then I compare with their party affiliation , running identities, sex, location, and level to find that these factors would affect the use of campaign websites, especially to find whether it will help the candidates achieve their goal and win the election or not. Second, I focus on the characters which are provided by websites, including their functions of transforming and receiving messages, the use of fundraising and hire of volunteers. By application of entire meeting, I interviewed some legislative candidates who form campaign websites. By their experience and point of views about campaign websites, I would get more information of the functions of these factors. According to the result of the local and aboriginal legislature election, there are 386 candidates run for election and 151 of them (39%) have formed the websites. It is obviously that many candidates willing to join on-line campaign. Major parties candidates are more active to form the websites than the independent or minor ones; the legislature candidates who run for re-election are more widespread than the ones running for the first time. The frequency of voters who browse internet also influences the situation of forming websites. The larger voting area and higher class level, the more widespread the candidates form websites. Most candidates who establish the websites feel positive for them, and recognize website can appeal voters to visit and help voters to realize them forward. But the function of campaign website are still regard the most popular in transmitting messages to voters, other functions, such as fundraising or hiring volunteers need to wait and see.




江昇鴻(2007)。競選網站議題設定之研究 - 以2008年總統大選為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810564976
