  • 學位論文


The Study on Consumer Qualia Demand and Scale Validation - A Case of Starbucks

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


近年來全球許多企業掀起了一股體驗經濟的潮流,消費者所購買的商品已不再單只商品的實體本身,單有物質的產品,再也難以吸引消費者的目光。經濟部中小企業處於2009年推動一系列的感質計畫,藉由感質的推動,來增強企業的競爭力。顯示在服務經濟的時代,用物質感受幸福感的時代已經結束了,消費者的消費方式,已有別於過去滿足生理上的需求,漸漸朝向心靈上的滿足。而商品的感質對消費者而言,也漸漸成為一種無法取代的關鍵因素。 本研究透過相關文獻的探討與專家訪談後,發展一個消費者感質元素的量表,並以星巴克咖啡連鎖店為例,以924位顧客為樣本,透過SPSS 20.0進行信效度分析,顯示本量表具有良好的效度與信度。為了確認探索性因素分析所得之三個構面(品質、品牌、幸福感)與其子構面是否合適,故利用AMOS 20.0進行驗證性因素分析,結果顯示整體配適度良好。同時施以Ball & Tasaki (1992)所發展之個人擁有物為量表與Matos, et al.(2007)綜合許多學者所發展出來之消費者仿冒品之消費態度量表作為本研究之效標關聯效度,受測結果有顯著相關。因此,確認本星巴克消費者感質量表確實可為企業用來衡量消費者心中的感質元素衡量工具。 過去消費者對於連鎖咖啡店的需求已經漸漸從重視產品和服務的層面,晉升到重視咖啡店的品牌與其在店內享受的層面。本研究將星巴克的「品質」、「品牌」與「幸福感」逐步聚焦為感質,打造屬於星巴克的「感質力」。並經由消費者感質需求的探討發現,無論銷售族群為何,皆需以最基本的品質發展為基礎,再逐漸向上提升消費者心理需求的層次,並透過滿足情感愉悅的產品屬性,塑造出品牌特有的價值。


感質 品質 品牌 幸福感


In recent years, many global companies set off a trend of the experience economy, the basic function of product cannot meet consumers’ demand, so we must consider the feeling that consumers really experience. As the era of experience economic, consumers' behaviors are not just purely on the basic demand but with upgrading on people’s income and living standard. Furthermore, it goes into a deeper level-psychological satisfaction. The plan of “qualia” strategy of small and medium-size enterprises' promoted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Ministry of Economic Affairs, in 2009 is focusing on keeping and increasing the competitiveness of these enterprises. The key concept “qualia” represents happiness and gratification, might be one of the critical “soft power” and element to improve or even enhance the enterprise competitive. It shows that the qualia of goods and services is more important to consumer than it's practicability. The sense of qualia goods for consumers is a key factor in the consumer cannot be replaced. The purpose of this study is to construct the Qualia Scale with three dimensions (Quality, Brand and Well-being) to measure consumers’ purchase factors. This study is based on interviews with 9 experts and reviews the relevant literature, and used questionnaires investigation, the target is the consumers of the Starbucks coffee shops in Taiwan. Totally 924 questionnaires were collected. The researcher used the software SPSS 20.0 to conduct descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, and used the software AMOS 20.0 to analyze the goodness-of-fit, construct validity and composite reliability. The result showed that the Cronbach's α value were above 0.7, and the scale has good validity and reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale has a good overall fit. The criterion related validity is also significant. The results showed that “Qualia Scale” is good in validity and reliability. By investigating of the Stabucks consumer requirement of qualia, the quality is the main parameter. Then psychological feeling and service are the secondary factors. Finally, the brand value could rise with happiness feeling. It indicated that companies should think about how to give product a story or qualia factors to effectively enhance the consumers’ purchase intention.


Qualia Quality Brand Well-being


顏惠芸、林榮泰(2012),從文創產業的感質商品到商業模式的設計加值,藝術學報:表演類(革新版),第91 期,127 – 152。
林榮泰(2011),從服務創新思維探討感質體驗設計,設計學研究,第14卷S期,13 - 31。
