  • 學位論文


A reaserch to explore the characteristics of Tang-Junyi’s Humanistic care as a core of a core reaserch Criticism

指導教授 : 蕭振邦
共同指導教授 : 曾昭旭(Chao-hsu Tseng)


本文以「唐君毅先生人文關懷的論述」與「後學對此關懷的研究批評」等二續文本作為研究主眼,並針對人文關懷中若干重要特性,輔以近代學術論著中的相關論述為輔,意在恰適地詮釋地闡釋唐君毅先生的文本原意,並揭露蘊藏其中之意蘊。 以此研究目的,本文藉由操作以證成論述有效性:(1)對相關研究操作方法進行後設反省,提出相對不溢出、曲解文本的研究方法以求不失真的理解唐先生「人文觀」精要,並循,提出以「含意揭露法」來進行二序文本的解讀;(2)循前方法的提出,輔近代學術論著中,相關研究成果形成操作切入,藉此將唐君毅人文關懷中的特定特質與當代社會所面臨的若干問題進行銜接,並在析論研究成果內容之餘,更藉此聚焦人文關懷於唐先生思想中之重要性與特性;(3)在這樣的理解下,根據唐君毅先生論著中的特定篇章,先以含意揭露法的解讀揭露內蘊的重要洞見,進而為此當代社會問題做解題,據此理解展開對核心議題的詮釋與批判。


不一不二 自我關注


This paper focuses on Tang Junyi’s treatment of humanism and attempts to clarify its semantic boundaries without violating the original text and to reveal the profound spiritual properties therein utilizing an analysis of relevant contemporary research on his works directly dealing with humanistic concern as a point of departure. In order to attain the aforesaid objective, this paper will mainly apply the following three steps to assure its rationality and effectiveness: 1. Reflect on the methodology applied in related research to propose a reasonable and sensible methodology with which to approach the core of Tang Junyi’s theory and perspectives on humanism that does not misconstrue the text; 2. Abide by the aforementioned step to invoke the assistance of the conclusions of contemporary scholars to devise a point of entry to this topic. By examining the rationality and effectiveness of their conclusions, this paper shall reveal the importance and distinct nature of humanism in Tang Junyi’s ideology while also consolidating the essential chapters in Tang Junyi’s works that significantly expose his concept of humanism, making it the central focus of this paper; 3. Focus on the “essential chapters in Tang Junyi’s works” previously mentioned and analyze their contents to reveal the significant implications held within, thereby achieving a rational interpretation of Tang Junyi’s work based on this “revelation of meaning.” This paper will perhaps attain a “sympathetic understanding” of the theory held by Tang Junyi through following the aforementioned methods, following which a critique of this paper’s interpretation of its core topic will be explored and aspects which could be further developed will be addressed.


