  • 學位論文


Cutural Research on Taiwanese Hakka Festival and Cuisine

指導教授 : 盧國屏


客家族群,在臺灣佔有一席之地。其源由及遷徙的歷史,早已成為學者研究的目標。本文探討旨針對其節令文化,研究客家人來台後的節令發展特色,並從客家人的飲食中著手,了解節令與食俗的關連及對於物質生活中的食、衣、住、行及精神生活中育、樂的影響。 歷史在傳承的過程中,同時進行兩種活動。即物質層面和精神層面活動,同時也就是文化的產生。節令文化,是自然與人文活動的結合,寓有多種功能,且內容豐富精彩。自古人們就賦予節令特殊的意義,並經由節令,制定禮儀法則來帶動禮的推行,故節慶除了相襲成俗,還可寓文於樂。而節令中的食俗,又對節令的發展具有生動的意義。飲食文化隨著人類的日常生活演進,在各朝代、民族的節令中表現其特殊性,故有其研究的價值。全文內容分為八章: 第一章 緒論,說明研究動機與目的,介紹文獻資料的來源、選取及研究方法,開展本文研究價值及發展。 第二章 針對節令特質分析傳統節令形成因素,自農業生活中的歲時周期化育後,經歷社會生活的轉變,又自文獻中了解早期的禮制多與祭祖相關,而民間傳說可增添節令的精神意義,節令中的娛樂活動引人期待、興奮,諸多因素使節令活動延續並擴大。 第三章 自中國節令及食俗開展本文,探究傳統節令的淵源、歷史背景及時代意義,民間習俗的發展,乃構成文化的重要部分。自文獻中有關節令的記載,可了解歷朝各代的特色。而節令食俗是本文的另一研究方向,藉由飲食文化的發展將節令帶入高潮。 第四章 對客家民系做概述,了解臺灣客家源流,經由遷徙來臺後的客家人開墾路徑,在北、中、南、東區各縣的分佈現況。 第五章 從了解客家族群的特質著手,研究客家人日常飲食行為及食材運用方式。其中有關「粄類」的說明及節令中的運用,是本章重點。 第六章 為本文主題「臺灣客家節令及其食俗文化研究」。承續上述中國傳統節令形成因素之淵源,深入客家節令的特色及發展,並將食俗載入其中,進而了解客家人日常飲食與節令飲食之異同。 第七章 將上述客家節令及食俗特色做分析,研究節令中常見習俗之意義及文化背景,探討食物在節令中的應用及取決因素,如常利用於祭祀、驅吉避凶、乞子等儀俗。 第八章 結論,說明研究成果。歸納節令與物質生活中的食、衣、住、行,精神生活中育、樂的關聯。對於議題的開展與限制因素,不足之處,期望未來能更深入研究之範疇。


客家 客家飲食 節令習俗 食俗 飲食文化 飲食


The Hakka people have their social position in Taiwan. Their origin and immigration history have long become the subject for academic study. The main purposes of this thesis are to explore the festival culture, the development of festival culture of the Hakka people after they came to Taiwan, and we pay special attention to the relationship between dietary tradition and festival, and their effects on the material daily life activities such as diet, clothing, housing, transportation, and on the spiritual daily life such as education and recreation.In the process of the transition of history, there are 2 activities occurring simultaneously, one is the material civilization and the other spiritual civilization, which lead to the formation of culture. Festival culture is the combination of natural and human activity, which consists of many functions with colorful contents. Since the ancient time, festival has been given with special meaning, through the promulgation of the rules of rite, the festival activities would be carried out according to tradition. The dietary tradition in the festival has special meaning to the development of festival. Dietary culture evolved with the daily life of human being, different dynasties and people all have their unique dietary culture, so they deserve our study. Chapter 1: Introduction, which describes the motivation, objective, the source of reference, research method, and the value and development of this thesis. Chapter 2: To analyze the forming factors of festival characteristics, the changes occurring from agricultural society to industrial society, and from literature review, we know that the earlier rites were closely related with ancestor saluting activity, and legend always adds spiritual meaning to festival, and the recreational activities during the festival always make people expect, and excite, all of these lead to the continuous development and expansion of the festival activity. Chapter 3: From the Chinese festival and dietary tradition, we explore the origin of traditional festival, its historical background and time meaning, and tradition is the important component of culture. From literature review, we know the evolutions of festival and its special characteristics during different dynasties. Dietary tradition during festival is another topic of this study, which would lead festival activity to its highlight. Chapter 4: The description of the Hakka people in Taiwan, to explore their origin and immigration history to Taiwan, and their present distribution in Taiwan. Chapter 5: To know the characteristics of the Hakka people in Taiwan, and to study the daily dietary behavior and food materials of the Hakka people. Among them, the “Pan Lei” or rice-based food is the key point of this chapter. Chapter 6: The main theme of this study “Study on the festival and dietary culture of the Hakka people in Taiwan”. Based on the forming factors of the origin of the Chinese festival, to explore in depth the characteristics and development of Hakka festival, which include the dietary tradition and the difference between the daily life dietary tradition and festival dietary tradition of the Hakka people. Chapter 7: To analyze the characteristics of Hakka festival and dietary tradition, to study the meaning of festival tradition and it’s cultural background; to explore the application and selection of food during festival, for example, the food used during rite, to escape evil god , or pray for son, etc. Chapter 8: Conclusion, the result of this study. To describe the relationship between festival and such material life factors as diet, clothing, housing, transportation, and spiritual life such as education and recreation. The restraint factors and shortcomings of this study are also included, in order to serve as useful reference for further study.


客家菜與客家飲食文化 楊彥杰 第六屆中國飲食文化學術研討研會 臺北 財團法人中國飲食文化基金會 2000年9月
閩台地域飲食文化 楊紀波、黃種成 第六屆中國飲食文化研討會 臺北 財團法人中國飲食文化基金會 2000年9月
傳統飲食習俗 楊秀萍 中國飲食文化基金會會訊 第11卷2期 2005年5月
淺談臺灣傳統日常生活中之米食 王怡茹 中國飲食文化基金會會訊 第11卷1期 2005年2月
選讀《清嘉錄》 趙偲吟 中國飲食文化基金會會訊 第10卷4期 2004年10月


