  • 學位論文


The Counter-terrorism Policy of France after the Event of 9/11 (2001-2006)

指導教授 : 蔡政文


國際反恐合作在20世紀未即有許多的共識與成就,隨著九一一事件的發生,加速了許多國際組織與國家針對反恐領域強化其相關措施及打擊恐怖份子。法國長期飽受恐怖主義的威脅與攻擊,但恐怖攻擊事件與死亡人數則成反比,與其反恐政策以及中東政策有密切的關係。 九一一事件後法國在反恐方面的作為,在國內方面主要有,制定相關反恐法、更新海盜警戒計劃,國際層面則加強參與聯合國、歐盟及G8等國際組織的反恐行動。儘管法國在多邊合作上充份利用國際制度來與各會員國協商,符合新自由制度主義之絕對利益的理念,但在協商與執行過程,法國係依政策及利益考量來推動,也看出法國在國際反恐合作方面,現實主義的色彩甚為濃厚。 本研究係偏向以政策面為主,檢視法國反恐政策的制定背景、內涵及執行狀況,再根據上述內容進行分析,探討法國反恐政策偏向現實主義的原因,最後則展望法國反恐政策可能的發展方向。


Ever since the event of 9/11, many international organizations and nations have started enhancing their protection from the terror and fighting against the terrorism. In fact, France has been suffering from threats and attacks for a long time, but there were only a few people died from the terrorist attacks. The main causes are its policies of anti-terrorism and Middle East. France did make some measures for the terrorism like legislated the laws of counter-terrorism and renovated “le plan Vigipirate” after the event of 9/11. Furthermore, France also proactively took participation in the activities of anti-terrorism with international organizations such as UN, EU, and G8 etc. However, France utilized international institute which conform to the principle of absolute advantage of neo-liberalism to negotiate with other member states, and it impelled the collaboration basing on its policies and national interests during the negotiation and execution. From the above it shows France is a strong realism in the international counter-terrorism cooperation. This study focuses on the French policy and it has deep views through the background, intension and the results of executing the counter-terrorism policy. Besides this, it analyzes the whys and the wherefores that France trends to realism according to the above content. In the end, the study will predict the possible trend of the anti-terrorism policy in France.


王崑義,2002,「美國的反恐怖主義與國際安全-兼論九一一事件以後臺海兩岸 的處境」,《遠景季刊》,第三卷第二期,頁1437-184。
盧艾雯,2006,「法國恐怖主義的歷史回顧、現況與發展」,《犯罪與刑事司法研 究》,第7期,頁111-140。
1. G8 Research Group Final Compliance Report, 2006/6/12, available from http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/evaluations/2005compliance_final/2005-16-g8-f-comp_terrorism.pdf
2. G8 Research Group: Final Compliance Report, “Terrorist Financing: Counter-Terrorism Action Group-Finance”, 2005/7/1, available from http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/evaluations/2004seaisland_final/09_2004_seaisland_final.pdf
美國國會研究部門(Congressional Research Service)


