  • 學位論文


Exploring how the humorous ads influence the advertisment cummunication effects

指導教授 : 李月華


廣告是一種付費的大眾傳播工具,其最終的目的在於傳遞資訊,改變人們對產品的認知、態度,誘發其購買行動,並使企業獲利。然而要如何用最快速的方式且有效地在目標顧客心中留下深刻的印象,幽默式的廣告漸漸成為廣告主喜愛的手法之一。本研究主要探討廣告主如何運用不同的廣告訊息策略來達到最好的廣告溝通效果。本研究的自變數為幽默廣告類型 (情感型/認知型/社會型),依變數則為廣告的溝通效果,其中則包含了廣告態度、品牌態度及購買意圖,並以廣告的涉入程度(高/低)做為干擾變數來了解不同的幽默式廣告類型對廣告溝通效果的影響。 而本研究分析結果顯示: (一)認知取向的幽默式廣告為最佳的幽默廣告類型。 (二)涉入程度低會較涉入程度高的組別有較好之廣告溝通效果 (三)認知取向的幽默廣告且涉入程度高時會有較佳之廣告溝通效果,而社會取向的幽默廣告且涉入程度低時會有較差之廣告溝通效果;情感取向及社會取向時,廣告涉入程度低的組別會較廣告涉入程度高的組別有較好之廣告效果,而在認知取向的幽默式廣告時,廣告涉入程度的高低並不會對廣告效果有顯著差別。 (四)廣告溝通效果各要素其是一環扣著一環,互相影響彼此。 (五)受測者的性別、婚姻狀況及是否具有汽車駕照,均會對廣告效果有所影響。


幽默 廣告 廣告溝通效果


“Advertisement” is one of the mass media, and it aims at transmitting information, changing people’s cognition, attitude and purchasing behavior. However, in order to impress the target customers efficiently, humorous advertisements have been one of advertiser’s favorite means. Research discusses how the advertisers take advantage of the different ad strategy to get the best ad communication effects. The independent variables are the types of humorous advertisements (affective/cognitive/social), and the dependent variables are advertisement communication effects, which include the advertisement attitude, the brand attitude and the purchasing intention. However, we adopt the advertisement involvement as the moderator to explore how the different types of the humorous advertisements influence the ad communication effects. The research results are as follows: (1) The congnitive humor advertisement is the best one among all the types. (2) The low ad involvement group has better ad effects than the high one. (3) While the ad involvement of the cognitive humor ad is high, it also has best ad communication effects.While the ad involvement of the social humor ad is low, it has the worst ad communication effects. ; When the types of the humor ads are affective and social, the low ad involvement group has better ad effects than the high one. However, when it comes to the cognitive ad, the rates of the ad involvement wouldn’t have significant difference with the ad effects. (4) The elements of the ad communication are connected and influenced each other. (5) The gender, marriage condition, and whether having the car liscence of the sample will influence the results.


humor advertisement ad communication effect


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