  • 學位論文


A study on the perception of senior high school students about the effects and implementation of anti- school-bullying policies in Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討為輔,旨在探討臺北市高級中等學校學生對防制校園霸凌政策認知及推動成效之研究,本研究主要目的包含: 一、瞭解我國中央和地方教育行政部門推動的防制校園霸凌政策重點內容。 二、分析台北市政府所推動的防制校園霸凌策略及作法。 三、瞭解台北市高中所執行的防制校園霸凌方式與執行情形。 四、透過對高中生進行調查,瞭解台北市高中生對校園霸凌的認知情形。 五、透過對高中生進行調查,分析臺北市高中生對學校推動防制校園霸凌各相關措施(含政策、法律觀念等)的看法。 六、透過對高中生進行調查,分析臺北市高中生對學校推動上述防制校園霸凌等措施執行成效之看法。 本研究之問卷調查,係採分層隨機抽樣方式進行,共抽選14所學校,並在每校高一及高二年級各抽一班學生為調查樣本,共抽選28班,發出問卷1,120份,有效回收樣本為967份,回收率86.33%。 本研究主要結論歸納如下: 一、教育部於2012年公布的《校園霸凌防制準則》是我國目前防制校園霸凌政策的主要法令依據,而臺北市政府防制校園霸凌相關措施,均參照中央政策規劃。 二、在入學後曾經被霸凌、霸凌他人之學生均為極少數,但曾看到霸凌事件者較多,其中以「言語霸凌」類型為最多,其次為「關係霸凌」。 三、學生在被霸凌時,大多數均選擇默默忍辱離開,看到霸凌事件之學生,當時大多並未協助被霸凌者,在有協助被霸凌者中,以「勸阻霸凌者繼續其霸凌行為」為主。 四、大多數被霸凌之學生及霸凌他人之學生均回應在發生霸凌事件後,學校並沒有懲處霸凌者。 五、學生對學校推動之防制校園霸凌措施及友善校園計畫雖有初步的認知與瞭解,但對實際上執行的相關作為及處理單位、程序及過程之瞭解並不充分。 六、學生對防制校園霸凌及友善校園政策推動成效的評價以「使校園更為安全」為最高,但對「發生霸凌事件時,利用輔導工作就可以解決霸凌的爭端」的評價則最低。 七、在「校園霸凌的認知與感受」與「推動成效的評價」,會依學生是否曾被霸凌或霸凌他人,家長教育程度、學校類型、學校隸屬、學校所在地區,及父母的管教方式而有顯著的差異。 八、在「校園霸凌的認知與感受」與「政策推動成效的評價」方面,並不會依學生性別、年級、家中排行、家庭經濟狀況、及家長職業等有顯著的差異。 最後本研究依據研究發現,分別針對教育行政主管單位、學校、教師、學生家長及後續研究之相關建議,以供參考。


This study aims mainly, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey, and literature review, to explore the perception of senior high school students about the effects and implementation of anti-school-bullying policies in Taipei City The main purpose of this study include: 1.To understand policies of anti-school-bullying both at the central and local government levels. 2.To explore the policies of the anti-school-bullying , and the implementation of related policies, initiated by the Taipei City government. 3.To review the implementation of anti-bullying policies in senior high schools in Taipei. City. 4.To analyze the perception of senior high school students about school bullying, from the findings of questionnaire survey. 5.To explore the attitude of senior high school students towards the strategies and actions related to the anti-school-bullying. 6.To explore the effects of anti-school-bullying policies perceived by senior high school students in Taipei City. A self-designed questionnaire was used as the research tool of this study. By using stratified random sampling, 14 senior high schools were selected as the sample schools, and a total of 1,120 students in 28 classes were surveyed. With a response rate of 86.3% , 967 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. “The Guidelines of anti-school-bullying” is the main statute issued by the Ministry of Education in 2012, and it has been followed by all local governments, including Taipei City government. 2. Only a few students who had experienced bullying (either bullying others or being bullied). But there were about 30% of students who had observed the events of bullying at schools. As they responded, The “verbal bullying” has been the most common type of school bullying, then, it was the “relationship bullying.”. 3.The majority of students being bullied tend to leave quietly without fighting back, and most observers of bullying had not helped those being bullied. As to those who had given their hands to students being bullied, they mainly took the actions of stopping the continuity of bullying behavior via persuasion. 4.According to the responses of the majority of students, who has experiences of bullying, the school had not taken suitable action of punishment for the bullying. 5.Most of students aware and understand the importance of anti-bullying policies, but their understanding of the procedure of related actions was considerably inadequate.. 6. “ To make the campus safer” was the primary aim of the anti-school-bullying policies, perceived by students, but most students did not think that the use of counseling at schools can solve the problems of bullying. Finally, suggestions were proposed, based on the findings of this study, for the reference of policy reform or improvement in the future.


